It was scary, but worth it

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We took many photos. Some of them had my face in them, and I sent those to Nick. I could eventually post them some time after my face reveal. I opened Twitter and George helped me choose the best photo where my face wasn't in it.

I captioned it "face reveal in 15 minutes." with a link to my Twitch, and sent the tweet. Instantly it started gaining attention, thousands of likes and comments generating. It made me a bit nervous, but there was no going back now.

"Are you actually face revealing?" George asked me as we headed up the stairs to my room.

"Yes. I've got a smiley mask so I'll put that on while the viewers join, then take it off for the big reveal." George hummed in agreement to my plan.

"Sounds good. Do you want me out of the room?"

"I think it would help if you were there with me, actually." George always managed to calm me down, so it was a good idea to keep him here.

"Do you want me on camera?"

"If you're fine with it then you can be." He nodded and smiled. I sat down in my chair and set up my camera, plugging it into my computer. I turned everything on and the monitor lit up, illuminating my face. George turned on the lights and sat down on my bed, which wasn't visible in the frame.

"Do you want me to take the mask of for you? Since you can't really see."

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll signal to you when I'm ready." I prepared the stream, titling it "maid dress + face reveal" then slipped my mask on.

"Okay, I'm starting it..." I clicked start streaming, and soon saw the chat flying by. I had small holes in the eyes of the mask so I could see. It was a bit difficult, but I could still make out some stuff in my monitor.

I started by thanking everyone for joining the stream, and for the entire milestone and everything. It was a big moment for me.

"Okay, well... It's the moment everyone's been waiting for, I guess." I turn my head to George and motion for him to come over. He stands up and waves at the camera. "This is George, by the way." His hands reached up behind my mask, undoing the string.

He let go and the mask dropped onto my desk. My face was out there. I watched as supportive messages flew by in the chat. A lot of compliments...

George placed his hand on my shoulder and rubbed his thumb on it reassuringly. I looked up at him and smiled. He didn't have a chair, I noticed. I pulled him onto my lap and his face turned a bit red. The chat was freaking out.

A donation came up, asking if George was the boy Sapnap was talking about earlier. "Yes, he is."

"Awww, you guys were talking about me?" George joked and I blushed lightly. There were definitely going to be people assuming things about me and George.

"We were streaming on the server we showed you and someone asked why there was a third bed." George hummed in understanding and turned his head to face the monitor again.

"Wow, there's a lot of people watching..." He seemed a bit nervous now that he'd seen the numbers. I reached my hand for his and held it tightly.

"It's a funny story how I actually did the face reveal..." Me and George then spent the next fifteen minutes explaining how I tried on George's dress but it didn't fit so we had to get a different one. We didn't mention George's colourblindness though.

Another notification popped up asking why George was wearing a skirt. He shifted a bit and was in thought was a moment.

"Because... Anyone can wear a skirt!" He grinned at the camera and I smiled at his confidence.

I heard the downstairs door opening and someone walking up the stairs. My head turned to look at the door as someone walked into the room.

"Sapnap!" Nick walked up to where we were and greeted both of us then the chat.

"So, Dream finally did a face reveal, huh?" I nodded and he patted my shoulder as a friendly action.

"The amount of times I asked you to face reveal... Then George asks once and you do it..." I awkwardly laugh and George looks up at me, an evil smile plastered across his face. Nick walks out of the room, probably to get a chair.

"Is this true?" I could see the smirk forming in his expression. My head tilts so we're making direct eye contact.

"Maybe..." Sapnap walks back in with two chairs just as I said that. He puts them down next to my chair, in frame of the camera.

"What do you mean maybe, Dream? It's obviously true." He sits down and motions to George that he has his own chair, but George only shakes his head and leans into me closer. Nick raised and eyebrow but chooses not to comment.

"Okay, okay. It's true..." We all laugh a bit. It takes a few seconds for everyone to calm down, and George takes my water bottle, pointing to it. I nod and he takes a sip then puts it back down.

The entire time, Nick is looking at us with an eyebrow raised. He looks into the camera and points at us then makes a heart symbol with his hands. I notice though.

"Sapnap... If you have something to say, say it out loud."

"No, no, it's nothing." He flashes an evil smirk. "But I think there may be a simp in the room..." George giggles and looks at me.

"Yeah, I think so too..." His tone of voice sounds serious, no trace of a joke. My cheeks turn a bit pink and George turns back to the camera.


votes, comments + follows appreciated :)


I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now