I'd do anything for him

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"You look cute." I don't know where my confidence suddenly came from, but I was glad I could finally compliment him without turning into a stuttering mess and embarassing myself.

He smiled shyly at me and pushed himself off the counter. "Thanks." He headed towards me and stopped when our feet were almost touching. I raised my right eyebrow curiously.

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of the café. His keys jangled as he locked the door, then we were walking down the street, hand in hand.

"So where are we going to buy this maid dress?" I was actually pretty excited, unlike yesterday. The only reason was because I couldn't wait to see George's reaction. He'd definitely be laughing, which made me happy.

"There's a costume store a few minutes away, they have some there." I could see the sparkle in his eyes again. It was beautiful. Every time I looked into his eyes it felt like I was looking at them for the first time again, my breath being taken away.

We walked past a small family. What looked to be the youngest of the children asked their mother why there was a boy wearing a skirt. She started saying some pretty mean things, and I knew George heard.

I sped up the pace I was walking at to get him away from that. "Don't listen to them, George. You look perfect." I squeezed his hand gently, and he squeezed back.

"You're too kind..."

"You deserve all my kindness." Before he could answer, we were at the costume store. It had a neon sign above it and a few mannequins in the windows. One of them was displaying a colourful parrot costume. Who would need a parrot costume..?

We stepped inside, quiet music was playing in the background and some distant conversation could be heard from the till. George let go of my hand and started walking through the store. I followed him closely.

We got to a far corner, and there was a rail with many maid dresses. There was basically one in every colour. "What one do you want?" George looked at me with a smile on his face.

Of course, my favourite colour was green, so that was the obvious option. "The green one." George pulled down one of the dresses, holding it up towards me.

"Uh, George, I said green." He had given me a yellow one, and I was quite confused.

"This is green." He seemed very unsure of his own statement, making it sound like a question almost.

"That's yellow." A sad look seemed to flash onto his face, and he quickly turned around and put the clothing back onto the rail.

He turned back around and tilted his head up so our eyes met. "I'm colourblind." I certainly wasn't expecting that. He frowned and I could see the sad emotions he was trying to hide.

"George... Why are you sad?"

"Cause you'll make fun of me..." My eyes widened a bit. If that's what he assumed, then people probably made fun of him for his colourblindness in the past...

I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around him, one arm going up to his hair. "I won't make fun of you. I would never make fun of you for anything, George. It's okay if you're colourblind." His small hands moved to my back, holding on tightly.

"Thank you, Clay. I appreciate it." He pulled his head away from my chest and looked up, smiling. Once again I had the sudden urge to kiss him, but stopped myself from doing so.

We let go, but kept our hands intertwined. "This is the green one." I reached up to take the hanger with the green dress on it. George nodded and we walked to the till where I paid for the dress. When we got out, it was a bit colder than before.

George was evidently cold, so I tool off my hoodie and gently pulled it over his head. He put his arms through and thanked me, smiling brightly. We began walking back to the car.

"You know, I think I should post a photo of me in the maid dress on Twitter. It would be funny." George giggled but kept looking forward. I was occasionally sneaking glances at him, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"You should. Maybe you could even stream with it." It was a good idea, and it would be funny to see people's reactions, but it would mean doing a face reveal.

"I haven't done a face reveal yet."

"Then once you do a face reveal you should."

"Or I could face reveal in the maid dress?" We both laughed at the idea. But once I thought about it, it wasn't too bad of an idea. And I had recently hit another milestone on YouTube, so it would be a good time.

"I think I'm actually going to do it... The face reveal."

"Are you sure? Or are you just doing it cause I said to?"

"Yes, I'm sure. And no, I'm doing it because it's about time I didn't a face reveal anyway, and I recently hit a big milestone. It would be funny if I did it in a maid outfit." George turned his head to me and smiled reassuringly, and threw up a thumbsup with his free hand. We looked at each other for a while like we normally do.

It was magical.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now