Looking at you

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tw: blood/injury

My body froze up, and it felt like I was superglued to the floor.

"Clay, what's wrong?"

"I- You- Uh..." I couldn't even voice my thoughts. The only words escaping my lips weren't even enough to form a sentence and made no sense.

He turned me around so I was facing him and pulled my hands away from my face. My eyes met a look of concern plastered on his face.

"Is it because I embarassed you?" I nodded and looked down at the floor. Nick never told me what to do in these kinds of situations. No one told me.

"I guess this is why it's better for me to stay at home. I always embarass myself." My words came out as almost a whisper. George seemed to frown at my words, and a hint of guilt flickered in his eyes for a split second.

"No, Clay. Don't say that. It's okay that it took you half an hour to walk through that door. I'm glad you are here. I'm proud of you for getting this far. I can tell this is a struggle for you, but don't give up now. Don't walk back through that door yet. You came all this way, so stay." My lips parted in shock. It seemed George understood my issues more than I understood them myself. But before I could even respond, he was talking again.

"And I'm sorry for making you feel embarrassed and nervous." He shot a hopeful smile my way, and I smiled back. Before I even knew it, my arms were wrapped tightly around him, and his face was dug into my chest. It felt...Perfect.

"Thank you, George. Your words mean a lot to me." I could feel him nodding into my chest. He smelled nice. Like the sweet scent of spring flowers, with the faded aroma of fresh coffee.

We pulled apart and just stood there like two idiots smiling at each other. Our moment was interrupted by another customer walking through the door. I moved to the side to let them through and took a seat at the same table as last time.

George was quick to return to the cash register, and I sat there watching him running around to get the customer's order made. Our eyes met a few times, and every time he would smile, blush, then look away. It was an adorable sight. But I never took my eyes off him.

I'd managed to calm my nerves by the time the customer left. As soon as I heard the bell ringing signalling they'd left, I shot up from where I was sitting and dashed to the till.

"You sure like staring at me, huh?" He asked me while wiping down one of the counters. My face heated up and I started to feel nervous again, but remember what George had told me before.

"Yeah, I guess..." He giggled at my response a bit while return to the till.

"So what do you want to order?"

"Um...A medium green tea, please." It was the same thing I ordered yesterday. I was never really a fan of hot beverages, but green tea was always an exception.

He turned around and started making it. I scanned my eyes around the room again, while waiting. My foot was tapping on the floor anxiously. I heard  a loud sound and looked at where it came from.

George had dropped a cup onto the floor, and it was now laying in shattered pieces across the tiles. He looked at me then awkwardly laughed, and bent down to pick it up. His skirt lifted a bit and I quickly looked away, trying to control my eyes.

But I looked back when I heard a quiet "ow". George was holding his hand close to his chest, and there were a few drops of blood on the floor. My eyes widened a bit and my first thought was to help him.

I walked around the front and through the door I always saw George taking. I managed to find my way behind the counter, and rushed over to the boy.

He looked up at me and I could see that he was panicking a bit.

"There's a first aid kit through there." He motioned with his head towards where it was and I quickly found it then rushed back.

I took his blood-covered hand and opened the first aid kit. It looked horrible. I cleaned it and bandaged it. George had been looking away the entire time, which confused me a little.

"Are you feeling okay, George?" He still didn't look at me, and hesitated to answer a bit.

"Yeah I just... Don't like blood, and stuff." I nodded in understanding and cleaned the blood off the floor, then sweeped up the broken cup and emptied it in the bin.

"Do you want some water?" He nodded and finally looked at me now that everything was cleaned up. I smiled at him softly then stood up. There were plastic cups stacked up by the coffee machines so I took one and filled it up at the water dispenser.

George had pulled himself up off the floor, and was sitting on top of the counter. I went over to him and held the cup up his mouth. He blushed and said he could do it himself but I insisted and he let me help.

He took a few sips and thanked me, I lowered the cup to the counter.

Now that I thought about it, we were in a bit of a weird position. George was sitting on the counter and I was closely standing in front of him with my hands in his waist.

"Clay?" Neither of us were making an attempt to move.


Instead of a response, he started leaning his head down towards me, and I felt his breath against my lips.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now