All I can think about is him

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It was Wednesday morning. Yesterday me and George played Minecraft and ordered a pizza to share, before I drove him home. It was the most fun I'd has in a while, considering the only person I normally hang out with is Nick.

Today George was taking me to a costume store. I thought he was joking when he said that I need a maid dress in my size, but I guess not. Surprisingly, I had quite a lot of things on my mind. And most of those things had something to do with George. My mind was mainly swarmed with thoughts about George moving in. We hadn't talked about it since the conversation yesterday, but I was hoping he would actually live with me.

I sighed and got out of bed, showering and getting dressed. As usual, George's café closes at 5PM, so I had a few hours to kill.

By the time I had done my morning routine and fed patches, it was already midday. My eyes scan the ceiling, trying to think of something to occupy the time.

I scroll my Discord friends and call Nick, or Sapnap as he goes by online. He picks up almost instantly. "Good morning Nick."

He yawns and mumbles a good morning back. "What did you call about?"

"Do you want to be in my stream?" He was quick to agree despite his tired state. It had been a while since I streamed with someone else.

I set everything up and soon my stream is live. I watch the numbers increase as viewers slowly flood in. Me and Nick both greet the people watching and join the server we were on with George a few days ago.

We joke around for a few minutes like usual before settling to build something. Nick keeps trying to kill me but just ends up dying when I hit him a few times. It's funny how he keeps trying despite never winning against me.

A sound catches my attention as a donation pops up. I read it out loud, "Why is there a third bed in the house? Did someone new join?" I'd completely forgotten that the viewers didn't know about George. Maybe I could ask him to join the stream one time.

Nick's response fills the silence, "Dream invited a friend to the server a few days ago, I was basically third wheeling the entire time." He laughed and I pretended to gasp.

"That's not true." I try to defend myself but people were definitely going to use what Nick said against me.

"It is true! We can invite him to join the next stream. Just try to control your flirting with your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." My eyes look to the chat, where there's many messages along the lines of 'him?' 'did sapnap say him?' 'dream boyfriend?' 'dream sexuality reveal' and stuff like that. I nervously tap my foot on the floor.

Only Nick knew about my sexuality. I'd only told him recently, and I didn't know how the internet would react if I came out. It was scary to think about.

We quickly moved past that conversation and kept building. It certainly got my mind off things, but part of me was still thinking about George. He was basically living in my mind.

We ended the stream after an hour, and I dreaded what I would see on Twitter. Despite my worries, I still opened the app, seeing many people talking about what Nick had said. I took a shaky breath and closed the app.

"You okay?" Nick was still in the call with me. The clock now showed 3PM. It felt like only 5 minutes had passed in the time we streamed. It was amazing how fast time passes when I'm streaming.

"People certainly took what you said seriously..." I was trying to keep myself together and not just turn into a panicking mess.


"Check Twitter." I heard clicking and typing then scrolling. It took a few seconds but eventually Nick saw what I was talking about. There was now a trending hashtag about my sexuality. It was all overwhelming. The pressure was getting to me and I didn't know what to do.

"Dream- I'm sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen." He sounded genuinely said. I guess he thought I was mad at him, but I wasn't.

"Don't worry, I'm sure people will forget about it eventually..." I hoped. I wasn't ready to come out yet. Especially considering how large my audience was, and that there would definitely be people who would send hate towards me.

We talked for a bit longer before ending the call. I got changed into some nicer clothes.

The final hour and a half of waiting for 5PM to arrive was spent overthinking. No matter what I did, I couldn't forget about what had happened on the stream.

It would probably cool down within a few days, but it still scared me thinking about eventually revealing my sexuality. I knew I would do it at some point, but just not yet.

I sighed and left my chair, heading to the front door. Patches ran up to me and I stroked her head, then walked out of the door and to my car.

Quiet music filled the drive to the café. I'd memorized the drive there at this point. I parked by the building and got out, walking inside to see George leaning against the counter.

There were no customers left, but tha isn't what caught my eye. George wasn't wearing his usual maid dress.

Instead, he had a pastel blue skirt on with a white t-shirt neatly tucked into it. It was paired with some blue shoes and white socks which reached up to his knees. I found myself staring, unable to take my eyes off him.

"Enjoying the view?" His words interrupted my gaze. I looked up to meet his chocolate-coloured eyes, my face heating up a bit.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now