With you until the end

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"Are you mad at me for killing one of your dogs?" We had just ended the stream. It went well, and George said he enjoyed it and couldn't wait for his future streams. I was glad he was looking forward to a similar career to mine.

"Yes, those dogs meant a lot to me." He stands up from his chair and falls back onto his bed, bouncing slightly when he lands.

"I even gave you diamonds, come on..." I turn my chair so my body is facing where he's laying in the bed.

"Nope. They mean a lot to me, as I said."

"Are the dogs more important than me?" He looks to be in thought for a moment before smiling at me and answering.

"Yes!" But when I frown, his smile is quick to fade and be replaced with a look of guilt. "Wait, Clay, I was joking... Don't be sad please, you're really important to me."

My lips curve upwards into a shy grin. I stand up and take a few slow steps towards the bed, then fall down onto it right next to George.

"Will a hug make you forgive me?" I ask him hopefully. He turns his head so our eyes are meeting eachother. His expression softens once he sees me.

"Yeah, it will." I shuffle closer to him and open my arms. He's quick to move closer, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around my torso.

"George, it's officially been a week since I met you." I feel his hold tightening a bit, and he hides his face in my chest. I can tell he's probably blushing, although I'm not sure why.

"Yeah, it has... But it feels like years have passed." I laugh to myself at his observation. In a way, I knew exactly what he meant. Despite knowing him for only a week, I'd already managed to fall in love several times over. Love.

Yeah, love. I was in love with him. And all I could do was hope that he felt the same way about me.

"I get what you mean." I finally answer. My eyes meet the clock on the wall, taking a moment to observe the time. 7PM.

"Are you hungry, George?" He hums in response, which I assume means yes. When I try to sit up, I get pulled back down by George.

"Hey, we need to get up to make food."

"Don't wanna."

"Okay, you can stay here, I'll bring the food up." I stand up forcefully, sliding his body off mine. He reaches his hand to try and grab me but fails.

"Wait, I'll go too." I stop when I'm at the doorframe, rotating my head to see him. He was still laying comfortably on the bed, making no effort to move.

"Get up then."

He groans then flips onto his back, staring up at the blank and boring ceiling. "Carry me."

"You can walk, stand up." I walk back to him, standing between his legs. I hold onto his hands and try to pull him up, but he just makes it more difficult by trying to stay as close to the bed as possible.

He keeps trying to pull me down and at this point we're just fighting for who can win the pointless battle. I sigh and let go of his hands, him falling a bit and landing on the mattress.

"You dropped me!"

"Well, yeah, what else was I supposed to do." I start walking towards the door so I can leave the room, with my back facing George. I hear shuffling behind me and the sound of someone getting off the bed. My legs don't stop walking, and I assume that George is following me.

Something clings to my back and suddenly two pairs of legs swing around me. "George, what are you doing?" His arms are around my neck and I have to grab onto his thighs to make sure he doesn't fall.

"Now you have to carry me."

"Or, I could just let go." I smirk and loosen my hold on him slightly just to scare him.

"Wait- No, no, no, no... Please don't drop me." He leans forward more and now his hair is pressed up against the side of my face. It tickles my cheek gently every time I take a step.

"Don't worry, I won't. Unless you annoy me." He giggles and lifts his head up. His hot breath against my neck sends shivers through me. I find myself blushing at the realization of how close we are right now. George's face is mere centimeters away from mine. Those few centimeters of distance which I so much want to get rid of, replacing it with a long-awaited kiss.

"George, get off, we're at the stairs." He hops off quickly, which is surprising. I take a step down the stairs but notice no sound of movement behind me.

I stop and turn my head back to check on George.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" He's staring blankly at the floor with a frown on his face. I cup his cheek gently and his head snaps up. He flinched away from me, with a scared expression, which makes me a bit sad.

"George, it's me, Clay. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. It's just me, nobody else." He relaxes a bit at my words and steps closer to me. I reach one hand and rest it on his shoulder. "What happened, George?"

She shuffles in one spot nervously. "Sorry, I just remembered how my parents used to carry me like that as a child... And it made me a bit sad." My face reflects his frown and I pull him into my chest quickly.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"Don't apologize, I'm the one who jumped onto you. It's okay." He smiles at me reassuringly. I can tell that it's a genuine smile, and isn't forced.

"Let's go make some food." He nods and we make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen.


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