Anything to protect him

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He smiled back and I took my hand back. I helped him close up the café so we could start heading to my house.

"Hold on, I need to change out of this quickly." He began walking to the back of the building somewhere but I stopped him verbally.

"Why change? You look good like that." He turned to face my and even from the far away it was easy to tell that he was blushing. His head tilted down and he stared at the floor.

"Well- people will give me weird looks if I walk outside like this." A look of sympathy was present on my face. Yes, people were judgemental, but George didn't deserve to be judged. He was gorgeous. (georgeous 😐 I'm sorry lol)

"Don't worry, my car is parked close." He seemed to contemplate for a moment before settling on a decision. His eyes met mine and he nodded slightly.

"Okay, let me just get my bag." He walked into the staff only door and I tapped my foot on the floor nervously.

Moments later he was back out with a small backpack hung loosely on one of his shoulders. We stepped out of the door, the bell ringing again. He got out his keys and locked up the door, then threw them into his backpack.

I began walking with him close to me. The car was only a few stores down, but there were quite a few people walking down the street. I didn't notice but George had gotten lost in the crowd of people. It confused me because there weren't even that many people, and I'd only noticed when I got to the car.

My body turned to face where I'd just walked from, and I saw George alone with a guy approaching him sluggishly, it was obvious that he was drunk.

My eyebrows furrowed in anger, and I grit my teeth. I was quick to start moving to where they were. George looked terrified. He was slowly backing up towards a wall, then when his body hit the wall he covered his face with his hands. I could tell he really didn't want to be there.

Normally if I was in a situation like this I would probably start crying from being overwhelmed. But for some reason, right now my body was filled with confidence. It's like George made all my problems fade away. Or maybe I was just desperate to protect him...

I take larger steps, and soon I'm standing right by them. The man is mere centimeters away from George. I grip his shoulder rightly and aggressively, then he turns around to look at me. He look old. Like, really old.

I pull him away from George then stare at him intensely. He was a bit shorter than me, and wasn't very muscular so I could easily punch him a few times if it was needed.

I exhaled angrily and said the only thing I could really think of. "Get away from my boyfriend." I snaked my arm around George's waist and pulled him close to me. He wrapped his arms around my back and dug his face into my chest. It made my heart warm. The guy took a few steps back in defeat. He was staring at us still so I leaned my head down and gently placed a kiss on George's forehead.

The man scoffed and turned around, starting to walk away. I looked down and noticed George's face was slightly pinker than before. Did I do that?

"Thanks." His words were slightly muffled but I still understood him. I smiled at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry this happened, I should've stayed closer to you."

"Don't blame yourself, it's okay. Stuff like that happens to me all the time." His words seemed to be drenched in pain, and I wondered what exactly he meant by what he said. "I'm glad you saved me before things got worse."

I nodded and hugged him a bit tighter, before letting go. He stepped back and looked up at me, smiling. I smiled back, but I could see that there was still fear in his eyes. We stared at each other, and I slowly moved my hand towards his, holding onto it tightly. We intertwined our fingers, both blushing slightly. It felt right. George's hands were perfect for mine, like they were meant for me.

I turned my body and we began walking down to my car, George closely clung to my side. We got there quickly and I opened the passanger door for George which made him chuckle slightly. He got in then I walked to the other side and started the car.

We didn't even bother turning on any music. The entire drive was filled with a comfortable conversation. When I was with George, it felt like everything else just disappeared. Like we were the only people on the planet. Of course, I knew we weren't, but it just felt... Special.

I hadn't even thought about how I kissed his forehead earlier. Part of me hoped he'd already forgotten so I wouldn't have to embarass myself when he brought it up. But the other part was secretly hoping that I could kiss him again.


Ok updates should be back to normal now I think

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now