The pretty glitter in his gorgeous eyes

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George had called me this morning asking if we could hang out after he was done at the café. I agreed happily, and we settled on me picking him up to take him to my house.

I'd been up since the early hours cleaning everything. I wanted every centimeter of the house to look perfect for George. The floors were vacuumed, surfaces wiped down, I even went as far as cleaning some smudges off the walls.

Relaxing music was playing from my phone as I was sprawled across my bed. There were still two hours until I had to head out, and I'd decided to take a break before it was time to clean my room.

My room was the messiest of the entire house. There were a few wrappers scattered across my desk, and the bed was far from made. A pile of laundry was sitting in the corner. I got up and took the dirty clothes to the laundry room, putting in some detergent and turning it on.

The wrappers were quick to clean up. I hadn't even planned what me and George would do. What did George enjoy doing? All I knew is that he liked wearing maid dresses and playing Minecraft. I got a notification on my phone, signalling that Nick was calling me.

"Hello?" I spoke into my phone as I picked it up. Nick had finally stopped calling me at questionable hours when I was asleep, which was a relief.

"Hi, Clay." I sighed. He was probably going to invite me to another party.

"Another party, I'm guessing?" I spun myself in my hair slightly, my feet hitting the corner of the desk.

"How did you know!?"

"Well why else would you be calling me?" I let out a quiet laugh and stood up from my chair, walking over to the bed and pulling the bed sheets over it neatly.

"Good point, good point." He chuckled and I heard some other voices in the back. Probably his family. "So, party on Saturday, this time it's at my house."

I groaned. Not again. The last time there was a party at Nick's house his family got home halfway through. And let's just say, it didn't go too well from there.

"No thanks, Nick."

"Please..." He dragged the word out to the point where I wanted to chop off my ears so I didn't have to listen to his annoying begging.

"No." If I'm being honest, I really hated going to the parties Nick invited me to. But I always did it because otherwise I would never leave my house. Except now it was different.

I actually had a reason to go anywhere. And that reason was George. I don't mean to be a bad friend to Nick by choosing George over him, but the parties really aren't for me. So many people.

It's normally fine as long as Nick is with me, but he quickly disappears and I'm left all alone.

"Listen, Dream." It was weird hearing him use my Minecraft name outside of Minecraft. It was difficult to take him seriously, but I just ignored the sudden name change. "I know you don't really like being surrounded my strangers, but I promise I won't leave you."

"Nick you say that every time."

"Okay, well, how about you bring George with you?" My eyes widened a bit. I felt my face warming up at the mention of George's name.

"He, um, probably won't want to go." The truth was, George probably would go. And that would mean I had to go too...

"Maybe he will. You won't know until you ask."

"I'm not asking him, Nick." I caught my reflection in the mirror across the room. Wow, I look dead. I reached my hand up to my hair and ruffled it around a bit.

"Then I'll ask him myself." My eyes widened. No.

"Wait, Nick, no-" But before I could stop him he'd already hung up. I sighed and put my phone in my back pocket then walked out of my room. The house was looking good now, and all that was left was to wait another hour.

Maybe I could go earlier? No, George will think I'm weird. Maybe he'll be happy? No, not possible.

I sighed again and checked the time on my phone, even though I'd already checked it multiple times in the last minute. Sometimes I wish that I had the power to control time. I'd definitely make it speed up in situations like this.

I was nervously pacing around my kitchen, deep in thought. I was so fixated on the party and how to avoid going that I hadn't even realized the time. It was time to go.

I slipped my shoes on then dashed to the front of the house, grabbing the keys along the way. They rattled and tapped against each other as I stepped out and locked the door.

Soon after I was already in the road, on my way to get George. I looked at the time, seeing that I'd be a few minutes early than when the café closes. I'll just wait for him inside. On the bright side, I'll get to see him in that dress again...

I saw that familiar sign above the café as I neared it. I parked a few stores down then walked back up the street to the front door.

A few customers were just leaving the place. I waited outside for a few seconds so that they could leave. The bell rung when I walked through the door. George looked up from the front till and smiled at me, then waved timidly. I waved back with a bit more energy, then took quick steps towards him.

"Hey, George." The sunlight through the window was making his pale skin glow, and his eyes sparkle. His lips looked as soft as ever, and I would've done anything to kiss him in that moment. Wait- what?

A blush slowly crept up my neck, but luckily I managed to calm myself. However, controlling my actions proved to me much more difficult as my hand raised up to George's face, cupping his cheek gently. He tilted his head into my hand slightly, then looked up into my eyes and smiled.

"You look beautiful, George."

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now