The future is looking brighter now that you're here

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w: sexual references

I wake up with something warm clinging to my side. Or rather, someone warm. My eyes slowly blink open, and I rub them with one hand to wake up a bit.

George shuffles from where he's cuddled up to me, looking up to meet my gaze. "Good morning, George." He shyly smiles, pressing his lips together into a tight line.

I slither my hand under his body, pulling him into my chest. He winces a bit. "Are you okay?" I keep my tone calm and my voice low, not wanting to ruin the relaxing atmosphere that currently hangs in the room.

"Yeah, just a bit sore still." He laughs into my hoodie and I trace the skin on his back with my thumb.

"I'm sorry George... Maybe if you behaved yourself it wouldn't be as bad." I smirk and he rolls his eyes, then lifts himself up a bit. His face is right above mine, and he quickly pecks my cheek.

I sit up, holding onto him so he doesn't fall off the bed. "I'm so happy I could finally do that..." He smiles again at my words and I see his cute flustered expression making an appearance again.

"You're so adorable when you're all embarassed." I ruffle his short brown hair with my hand, which makes him giggle quietly.

"So... Was there any feeling behind all of that?" He fidgets with the string of the hoodie I'm wearing. I trace patterns into his back again to keep him calm, since I can tell he's nervous to ask that question.

"There was plenty of feelings, George. And I'll tell you every one of them, don't worry." He nods contently and stands up, pulling me out of the bed.

"Today is your big stream..." His words make me remember that today really was a big day. I didn't feel anxious for it, probably because I had the support of George at all times. I squeeze his hand gently while we make our way towards the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm actually sort of excited for it... It's been so long, not telling anyone." George motions for me to sit on a stool by the kitchen island, and I do just that. I watch intently as he starts preparing some food for the both of us. A delicious smell fills the room along with the sound of things sizzling on the frying pan. He looks so happy when he's cooking.

"Oh yeah, I got you something by the way." He tells me as he plates the food, sliding it off the frying pan carefully. I raise an eyebrow curiously, or maybe in suspicion cause god knows what this is going to be.

"What is it?" He leaves the room and after a minute or two he returns, holding something bright and colourful behind his back. He throws it at me from across the room, earning a muffled laugh from me.

I take it off my face and look at it. I can't stop the smile from forming in my face, the sparkle being evident in my eyes. It's a flag, like the one George had, except it has six bright colours on it.

"Thank you, George, I can use it for the stream." He shuffles across the floor shyly to where I'm still seated. I grab his waist and pull him close to me, hugging him. Even when I'm sitting on the stool, George is still shorter than me.

"Do you want me to be there with you?" He sits down next to me to start eating once we pull apart from the hug. I take a bite of my food and quickly chew and swallow it.

"Yes, if you're okay with it." He hums in agreement and then picks up his fork and starts eating.

Once we've both eaten, George collects our plates and takes them to the sink, turning in the tap. I walk up behind him, placing my hands in his small shoulders. "Let me do it this time."

"Sure, if you want to." I smile at him and he moves to the side, allowing me access to the dishes. Within a few minutes, everything is washed and cleaned up. I feel two warm arms clinging to me tightly once I put the towel down.

I turn my body around and look down to meet George's precious gaze. His eyes are creased in the corners from the bright smile that's spread across his face. "Hey."

"Hi." I once again find my hand reaching up to ruffle his hair, an action I quite enjoy, and so does George.

"Clay." I like the way my name sounds when he's the one saying it. It's like the chorus of a song that's being sung by an angel.

"What is it?"

"Can you help me pick an outfit." He's standing there in one of my shirts. I'd gotten used to him going through my clothes whenever he wanted to at this point. I wasn't going to complain though, he looked very good in them.

"Of course I can. Let's go do that now, the stream will probably be in an hour or so." He nods and I take his small hand in my much larger one, tangling our fingers together. We make our way back upstairs, into George's room.

I open the top drawer, shuffling through the many colours of skirts he has. Some he even has four or five of each colour. There's also many different pattern choices. When does he have the time to wear all these?

My hand meets something that doesn't feel like the material of the soft skirts, and I move the pile off it. I smirk and raise and eyebrow, holding the interesting item up in front of George. "What's this, George?"

"U-um..." He shuffles around in his feet nervously, looking down at the floor. His ears, nose and cheeks are painted a pretty pink, contrasting with the pale tone of his skin elsewhere.

"You won't be needing this anymore." I drop it back into the drawer, chuckling at my own comment.

"W-what? What is that supposed to mean?" I close the drawer and turn my body to face his. He shoots his head up to look at me, but immediately looks away again once he sees my gaze fixated on him.

I take hold of his chin, tilting his head down until his eyes meet what I'm talking about. If it's even possible, his face brightens even more, practically resembling the shade of a tomato.

"O-oh..." He moves his head out if my grasp and looks up at me. All he says is a simple "Okay."

I laugh at his response then place a quick kiss on his forehead, turning back to what I was doing before.


I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now