Lost without him here

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We arrived at Nick's house a few hours ago, and everything for the party was now set up and ready. Me and George did most of the work while Nick was running around the house like an idiot. I'm not sure why, but we chose to not ask any questions and just get on with everything. God knows what goes on in Nick's brain...

Me and George were sitting in the spare bedroom. The house was already flooded with guests, there being many more people than I had expected. Almost double how many there were last time. Just looking into the hallway made me want to curl up and hide in some distant corner.

The loud music was present through the entire house, but was a bit quieter upstairs, especially where we were seated. "Are you ready to go out there yet?" George asked me and I had to think about it for a bit.

All my fears returned to me and everything in my was telling me to say no, but for some reason the word "Yes." slipped out of my mouth. George stood up, pulling me up with him, and we quickly exited the room.

He took me downstairs. It felt like every person who looked at me knew who I was, and was judging me severely. George squeezed my hand to calm me down a bit, and it pushed my panicky thoughts away.

"Hey guys!" Nick jumps behind us, swining his right arm around me, and his left around George. I almost fall over at the sudden action, but manage to steady myself.

George turns his head to look at Nick. "You guys enjoying the party?" He asks us, but I knew the question was mainly for George as it was obvious that I was not enjoying this in the slightest.

"Sure." George pushed Nick's arm off him, which just resulted in the boy putting that arm over me as well.

"Nick, get off." He held on tighter and I sighed, then started falling backwards. He still didn't let go as I'd planned for him to, so we kept falling towards the floor.

We land uncomfortably on the floor and George rolls his eyes at how childish we're being. "Ow, get off me Clay." I laugh and stand up, then help him up too.

Nick punches my shoulder gently then turns around and starts walking away, leaving me alone with George. Well, as alone as we can be considering we're in a house full of people I've never even met before.

"I need to go to the bathroom." George looks over at me after saying that. My guess is that he doesn't know where to go, so I take his hand in mine and start pulling him through the house. We reach a door and I point towards it. George steps in and locks it behind him.

I stand by the door waiting for him to come back out. "Oh, it's you!" I look over to where the voice came from.

The guy who asked me to join that challenge last time... The challenge which led me to George. I giggle at the memory then greet him, "Hey."

He sticks out his hands and I shake it to not seem rude. We start talking about random things and before I know it I'm at the other end of the house. He hands me a cup with what I presume is alcohol in it. "Oh, no thanks, I don't drink." I give it back to him and he tries to shove it back towards me so I place it on the counter.

A group of about five other guys come towards us and all of them start talking with each other. Feeling s bit excluded from the conversation, I slowly back away. They don't notice me leaving and that's when I remember I'd left George all alone...

I quickly sprint through the house, bumping into multiple people and mumbling brief apologies to them. Once I'm at the bathroom door, I knock on it and get no reply. My hand reached for the door handle and I open it.

The bathroom is empty.

George is not there. Where is George? Where is George?

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and notice how messy my appearance is right now, but I don't have the time to fix that right now. I have to find George.

My eyes scan the house while I walk around the ground floor, and I don't see anyone that resembles the short, adorable boy I'm looking for.

"Hey Clay, where's George?" Nick's voice shocks me, causing me to jump slightly and bump into him. He doesn't seem to mind though and just looks at me with a concerned look on his face, noticing how panicked I am right now.

"I... I don't know..." There was one thing I told George, and that was that I'd protect him and make sure he was safe. But how could I protect him if I didn't even know where he was?

"What do you mean you don't know?" Nick pulls me into an empty hallway where the music was much quieter. He places a hand on my shoulder to stop my panicked state from worsening.

"He went to the bathroom, and I was meant to be waiting for him..."

"And then?" Nick raised an eyebrow.

"I got distracted, and when I came back... He wasn't there, the bathroom was empty, and I didn't seem him anywhere around either." My hands and forehead were starting to sweat from how paranoid I was getting about this. What if George is hurt? What if he needs me, and I'm not there? He'll probably hate me for leaving him all alone...

"Well... He couldn't have gone far, I'll help you look for him." I nod and we make our way to the front door, where we'll start looking through each room in order.


I'm sorry in advance for what happens in the next chapter...

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now