Why does it always end up like this?

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I could hear the music getting louder as we neared a big house. There were many cars parked down the road, and a lot of voices could be heard. Nick walked in and I followed him.

Instantly, I got the same feeling I always get when I go to one of these. Regret. I knew it well. The music was even louder in the house, so loud that I couldn't even understand what Nick was saying to me.

He signalled for me to follow him and we walked to the kitchen, where Nick was of course getting himself a drink, I simply pushed away the one he tried to give me.

There were a few people in the kitchen, but nowhere near as much as in the rest of the house. Looking out of the window I could also see that there was a pool outside. I startled as a random person came up to us and started having a casual conversation with Nick. They probably knew each other, I assumed. But then again Nick was friendly with everyone, even strangers.

"Nick is he your friend?" The boy asked, pointing to me. He was the same height as me, which was weird cause I didn't have to look down when talking to him.

"Yeah, that's Clay." Nick responded. I waved slightly but put my hand back down after a few seconds.

I really didn't have a good feeling about this guy.

"I heard you guys are doing a challenge?" I heard Nick asking the other guy.

"Yeah. Whoever's last to kiss a girl in that crowd of people is the loser and has to do a forfeit." The guy sounded confident, but I hated every second of this so far. I knew I was going to be the loser since I didn't even like girls. Another thing is that I was planning to go nowhere near that crowd. Either way Nick ended up entering both of us into the challenge, before even asking me.

Soon we were in a room with loads of people I didn't recognize. I tried to stay close to Nick but he wafted towards the other side of the room, leaving me alone in one corner.

The challenge begun, and everyone flooded out of the room. We had to return back to the room once we'd completed the challenge, and the last person to return would be the loser.

I walked out of the room and into the crowd, looking around to see if I could find Nick. Maybe he could somehow get me out of this challenge. But all hope was over when I saw him walking back into the challenge room. It had only been a minute and he'd already won.

I stood watching the door from a distance and counted the people who walked in, then once everyone was already there, I walked through the door. Everyone looked at me which made me a bit anxious.

"Well, looks like you've lost this one, Clay." Nick's weird friend had his hand in my shoulder, and I politely moved his hand away from me and sat down next to Nick.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I knew from the start that I was going to lose, so I didn't care. I'd known for a long time that I felt no attraction to girls, so kissing one would just feel... Weird to me. I hadn't even told Nick. Maybe this would be a good opportunity to tell him. Well, once he was sober.

The guy who asked us to join the challenge walked up to me, and it felt like the entire room was looking at me. "So, Clay, you have to do the forfeit."

I rolled my eyes at him. Well at least I wasn't alone in a corner like usual, I guess. "What's the forfeit?"

"I know!" Nick's energetic mood was back once again. I turned to look at him, his smile looked pure evil, which scared me.

"A new café opened in town last week, you should go to it."

"Café?" I was confused, why would going to a café be bad.

"Oh, The Maid Café! Good one Nick." The tall guy said. A Maid Café. This would certainly be a first.

"I'll go with him tomorrow to make sure he goes." Nick was as persistent as ever, of course. This certainly wasn't what I was expecting, but it would be an experience, I guess.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I shook my head at him, laughing. People slowly started emptying the room, and Nick stayed with me luckily.

The rest of the night was actually alright for once. Nick managed to control his drinking which was pretty shocking to be honest. I was happy I didn't have to drag him back to my house to take care of him in his drunken state.

We left the party early for once, Nick was complaining that he had 'something to do', which was weird to hear from him. As soon as I got home, I went straight to bed. Parties always made me exhausted, even though I didn't do anything. Just being around so many people drained all of my energy.

I fell into a peaceful slumber, forgetting about what was meant to take place the next day.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now