All for him

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w: slight sexual reference

I can hear a quiet gasp from George. He shifts a bit in my grasp and I tighten my hold on him.

"Do you like this then?" He asks me shyly. I can feel his fast heartbeat, and his quickening breaths.

"Like what?" I know what he's trying to say, but I won't let him off that easy.

"You know what."

I move my mouth closer to his ear, and drop my voice to a whisper. "No I don't. Tell me, George." I can feel him shivering slightly from the way I'm talking to him.

He exhales shakily, his cheeks turning a brighter shade of red. "Do you l-like... How I look, um- Right now..." He looks away from the mirror and at the floor, but my eyes remain glued to his reflection, and his flustered expression.

"I always like how you look, George, more than you'll ever know. But like this... It's even better." I hear him gulp loudly and he turns around in my hold. My hands rest on his waist, pulling his body closer to mine. He looks up at me, his eyes wide and bright.

"What do you mean... More than I'll ever know?" His lips are parted, and I can feel his small breaths against my own lips. I lift my hand up and cup his cheek gently.


I feel his forehead brush against mine. My eyes trail down his face, locking on his lips. I inhale nervously and close my eyes tightly, while moving forward.

Our lips slot together perfectly. Like two puzzle pieces that only just found each other. I feel my heart exploding with overwhelming joy. The heat rises to my cheeks.

George moves away slightly for a breath of air, but it isn't long before I close the distance again, smashing my lips into his, more hungrily than before.

He tries to slips his tongue through, but I won't let him take control. I lightly bite down on his bottom lip to teach him his place.

My eyes open wide when I hear a muffled sound of pleasure from George. I break apart the kiss, looking down at him with a smirk plastered across my face.

I move to his ear, whispering to him. "Enjoying yourself, George?"

He grabs my shirt and tries to pull me back into another kiss, but I place a single finger in front of his lips. "Let's finish this then go home." I look around the room and he nods.

It disappoints me when we move apart, and start cleaning out the room. Many boxes get thrown out and George cleans all the surfaces.

"What else needs to be done?" An hour of cleaning and lifting boxes had already passed. It was tiring, but I knew it had to be done. My mind was still racing from the events that had taken place previously.

I could still taste George's lips every time I thought about him. That candy-like sweetness I'd never forget.

"I think that's all. The furniture and other stuff is staying." I nod and stand up, lifting the final box and taking it out of the room. I leave it with the pile of other useless rubbish, and turn back to George.

"I guess this is the last time we see this place." I say once he walks over to me. His small arms wrap around me, and I hug his delicate frame.

"Yeah. I'll miss it, but I'm excited to see what the future brings." He rests his head on my chest. His ear is directly over my heartbeat, which I find adorable.

"Are you ready to leave?" He nods into my hoodie and I pull away from him, grabbing onto his hand. I see his lips curving up into a shy smile.

We walk out of the door. George turns to take one final look at the building. He sighs and turns back to me, following me to my car.

I open the passanger door for him, and he gets in, thanking me quietly. Once I'm in my seat too, I start the car.

The drive is filled with silence for a few minutes, then George clears his throat. I keep my eyes in the road, but listen to what he's saying.

"So, what was that?" I can hear the smile in his voice, despite not being able to look at him right now.

"What was what?" As usual, I pretend to not know what he's talking about. It's funny seeing George's reaction when I do this.

"Well... What happened in the café." The moment replays in my mind for the hundredth time. George's soft skin, and soft lips. Our warm breaths colliding.

"You mean us cleaning out the place?"

"No, idiot." I chuckle at his annoyance. He sighs playfully and laughs too.

"I kissed you, George." It was real. I actually did it. I was meant to wait until tomorrow, but I wasn't going to complain.

"You did. You kissed me." He shyly repeats my statement, confirm that it was in fact true.

"And you enjoyed it quite a lot, didn't you, George?" He hums in agreement. If one lustful kiss was enough to get that reaction, I couldn't wait to hear what other sounds would escape his lips.

His moans would fill the otherwise silent room while I aggressively ram my entire length inside of him. I focus back on the present, trying to not get too excited.

"Don't worry, I'll finish what I started." I hear him shuffle in my seat at my statement. The view of the house nears us, and I speed up a bit to reach home faster.


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