Where it all began, and will never end

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"I'm going home, bye guys!" Nick shouts from somewhere else in the house. Moments later we hear the door closing shut and his car driving off. George had finished opening his gifts. I tweeted a photo of him in one of the skirts I bought him with birthday wishes.

He smiled when he got the notification, looking up at me to make eye contact. "Your Twitter is turning into a stan account for me. All you do is simp." I roll my eyes at his comment and he steps closer to me, sitting down on the couch a few inches away from me.

I slide my arm under his back, pulling him into my side and resting my chin on top of his head. His arms make their way around my lower torso, holding on gently. "I have to make sure everyone knows you're mine."

"Oh my god-"

"Oh, and of course I'm going to show off how gorgeous my boyfriend is!" His contagious giggles warmed my heart. We sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence.

"George." He hums a response then moves his head up to look at me, and I stare down at him too.

"I just wanna say. Well I can't really say cause I couldn't even begin to express how much I love you. You're amazing George." I watch his lips slightly part as he concentrates on my words. His eyes show interest and love, sparkling brightly. It gives me confidence to keep talking.

"I can definitely see myself spending the rest of my life with you, George. Before I met you, I have to admit I was pretty lonely. All of the time." He hugs me tighter, digging his chin into my chest lightly. He nods for me to carry on talking, not wanting to interrupt my kind words.

"But you changed that. You showed me a brighter world. A warmth I'd never felt before. My heart has never felt so full. And I'm glad you're the one who makes me feel that way." George takes a few moments to take in my words, then I see his eyes slightly watering and a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, George..." My hands meet his damp cheek, wiping away the tears with my thumb. I tilt his chin up and leave a caring kiss on his forehead.

"That was just... I don't even know what to say." He lets out a quiet laugh and sighs. His eyes are fixated on me, and he stares at each of my features individually. Admiring every single small detail of my face. "I'm glad I can make you feel like that, Clay, I really am. You mean so much to me. I can definitely see a bright future ahead of us, with you by my side. I want that to be our future."

I lift my hand up again to cup his cheek, caressing it gently. He leans I to my touch like he usually does, his face slotting perfectly into my hand. I move closer to him, pressing my forehead against his. His small breath on my lips makes me shiver a bit, but it also reminds me that this is real; how am I so lucky?

We stay like that for what feels like eternity. But in reality, it was only a few long seconds. Just looking into his gorgeous eyes for a split second reveals so much to me. It's like a portal to another world. A world where only George and me exist, and nothing else. Nothing else that can stop us from being happy together.

"I love you, George."

"I love you too, Clay. More than you'll ever be able to imagine." I grin widely at his comment, closing my eyes and enjoying the warmth of his body pressed up to mine. He moves his face away from mine and snuggles up to my chest, draping a blanket across us both. My hand makes it's way up to his fluffy hair, tangling up in it and playfully brushing through chunks of strands at a time.

"You know, George. I think it's funny how we met. It's not every day that someone meets the love of their life at a maid café." I notice his cheeks turning slightly pinker when I refer to him as the love of my life. I wasn't wrong, though. He really was the one for me. And I knew it. I could tell, so, so easily.

I Fell in Love with a Boy in a Maid Dress - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now