Part of my family

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"Why did it have to rain today?" George complains once we step out of the car and into the damp weather that's only worsened. He opens the umbrella and quickly hides under it.

"You have an umbrella, you'll be fine." I chuckle at how ridiculous he's being. He's being childish about a bit of rain but it's funny to watch.

"But my legs are cold!" He frowns and looks down at his legs for a few seconds. We stop as a car drives past then walk across to the door of the pet store.

"You should've worn something that covers your legs then." He closes the umbrella and I raise my arm up and around him, resting my hand on his shoulder furthest from me. "You'll warm up."

He smiles once we're inside, where it's much warmer. And then that smile grows even more when he spots something and starts dragging me towards it.

"Where are you taking us?" He keeps walking without responding, only turning his head around to look at me for a short moment.

"Look." He points to something as we near it. "Puppies." George let's go of my arm and skips towards where the puppies are. I catch up to him and see the joy radiating off of him. He's like a bright ray of sunshine that never stops shining.

"Is this what you wanted to come here for?" He nods and waves at one of the puppies, which press their paws up against the wooden barrier, and bark quietly. George laughs and states at the adorable animals before him.

"I'm going to get cat food, wait here, okay?"

"Okay." I smile at him, glad that he's happy. It isn't long before I reach the cat food, getting the same brand I normally get. I take a few extra then head back the way I came from.

When I get back, George has the same puppy that was barking earlier in his arms, with a worker near him. I smile when I get to him and he looks up proudly.

"Come on, I've got the food." He frowns and gives the puppy back to the worker. It's sad to see them separating, but an idea pops into my head. I take George's hand in mine and walk to the till, then pay for the cat food.

George opens the umbrella when we step outside, then let's go of my hand and sprints towards the car. Soon after, I get there too and throw the food into the back then get in.

"Oh, I forgot to get cat treats! Wait here, I'll be right back." Luckily, he believes my terrible acting, and I walk back into the store.

I find the worker from earlier and ask for the puppy. They help me get all the essentials I need for it and give me a rundown on how to take care of it. It isn't named yet, so I'll let George do that. The puppy has soft brown fur, and big eyes of the same chocolatey shade. He's jumping up and down excitedly. In a way, he kind of reminds me of George. I smile at the thought and the worker puts a collar and lead onto him, then hands it to me.

I pay for everything then head out to the car, with the puppy walking close to me on the lead.

Once I get there, I make sure George can't see me, and I open the back, throwing in all the items. I then take the excited bundle of fur into my arms and step into the drivers seat.

George looks at me immediately, then down at the animal sitting in my lap. "Let's hope Patches gets along with him." George grins and takes the puppy into his own arms.

"Is it named?" I shake my head and start the car. I can tell George is thinking of names, as he looks to be concentrating and focused on his thoughts.

"I've got everything we need for him. He's got three beds so one can go in each of our rooms then one somewhere else." The puppy curls up in George's lap and slowly starts to fall asleep.

"Thank you, Clay. He can be the new addition to our family." He gently pets the puppy, cautious to not wake it.

"Family?" I raise an eyebrow curiously, but keep my eyes glued to the road, despite how much I want to stare at George for the rest of eternity.

"Yeah. You're my new family." He smiles to himself and I can see a slight redness to his cheeks, in the corner of my vision. I hope we'll be a real family one day...

"I'm glad to be."

He takes out his phone and takes a photo of the puppy in his lap, then one of my driving. "I can see you taking a photo of me George."

He giggles and turns the phone away from me. "I know. Can I tell the fans that I've moved in with you?"

I think about it for a moment. This will only feed the shippers with more conspiracies, but what does it matter at this point. "Go ahead."

He smiles and my phone pings with the notification as I park in front of the house. I take it out of my pocket and look at the tweet.

"Me and Clay moved in together, new addition to the family." I read it aloud and George blushes again, while looking at me. "How many heart emojis is that? At least twenty?"

He smiles and looks away when I try to make eye contact. "I would've added more, but I didn't want to boost your ego too much." I roll my eyes and turn off the car, then we head inside with the small puppy and everything else.



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pussiesI want a cat so bad :[

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I want a cat so bad :[

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