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So, I just wanted to say that phew! After rewriting this chapter thrice, I finally think it is worth publishing, share your thoughts!


I've also mentioned some random incantation in greek but please don't use google translate to check what it is since it will disrupt the purpose of not translating it here and I am going to explain it the next chapter so yeah, enjoy.



"I am here before sunset!" I shouted to the unknown Hunter. "Show yourself!"

"Well, well, I almost expected you to fall at the hands of Achelous. Almost."

The Hunter appeared a few feet away from the chasm where Annabeth was held captive. His appearance was the same as described. Like any other normal human being. There was nothing special about his appearance, apart from his face. Instead of the face of a human, The Hunter's face was shifting between two forms. A very distinguished deer with antlers would sometimes flicker as his head.

The story suddenly replayed through my mind. He was the first and only male that was ever allowed within the ranks of the Hunters of Artemis.


"Precisely, demigod. I am Actaeon. The Hunter who was betrayed by that Goddess of the Hunt. I have longed to avenge the wrong she did, and now, I have just the opportunity."

"So, you plan to avenge yourself by overthrowing the Gods?"

"I don't care about what Oceanus and his cronies are up to. I couldn't care less about the Olympians or whoever rules over the world," He seethed. "The Olympians have a wicked way of justice and those whose thoughts don't align with them are wrong."

I had nothing to respond. He was correct. The Olympians had always thought they were correct. History held the truth about that. Before either of us could say anything, Annabeth groaned and twitched, turning our attention towards her.

I needed her to be fully conscious before I could make any moves on the Hunter. He undoubtedly had more skill than me. I could not beat him in one-on-one combat especially when he was trained by Artemis herself.

"Ahh, the demigod still lives. I would have preferred you as my lab rat, but unfortunately, I got her. But, I still haven't lost," His eyes gleamed in the twilight. "I have the only daughter of Athena who was able to outsmart Arachne, the only one who could retrieve the Athena Parthenos and survive Tartarus himself."

Annabeth was starting to show more movement but I still needed more time.

"So, Actaeon, you didn't tell me why you wanted to capture me or why you would go through all of this trouble. I mean, of course you wanted revenge and all this stuff, but why join forces with Oceanus, you already said you couldn't care less about him."

"Ahh, interesting, but why would you want to know my plan? You're gonna die anyway."

"Ahh true, but, wouldn't you grant me a last wish?"

"Pfft, fine, but only because you are groveling so much," Once again Annabeth moved her head to the other side, groaning, but Actaeon was too caught up in his victory to listen. "You see, demigod, the Olympians were fools to ignore the knowledge they contained in that library. Athena may be the Goddess of Wisdom, but she was blinded by her father who forbade entrance to the library. You could have defeated the Giants in the snap of your finger if you had access to the Library. You see, the book that Oceanus stole contained an ancient Roman ritual by which a person's soul would be exchanged with another being's. Kronos had made a huge mistake by not listening to Oceanus' plan fully. He infused his soul into Luke Castellan's body, but ye still didn't have control over him. He used an escape. A shortcut if you may. The actual Roman ritual needs a lot of vis. What you people call energy. The ritual required the sacrifice of another human to succeed."

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