What the future holds

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"Yes, fine," Bob said. "But that is only one problem. Once you are inside the Doors, someone must stay outside to push the button and defend it." Percy tried to swallow. "Uh ... defend the button?" Bob nodded, scratching his kitten under the chin. "Someone must keep pressing the UP button for twelve minutes, or the journey will not finish." Percy glanced at the Doors. Sure enough, Krios still had his thumb jammed on the UP button. Twelve minutes ... Somehow, they would have to get the Titans away from those doors. Then Bob, Percy or Annabeth would have to keep that button pushed for twelve long minutes, in the middle of an army of monsters in the heart of Tartarus, while the other two rode to the mortal world. It was impossible...

"Go," he ordered. "I will hold the button." Percy gawked at him. "Bob, you're in no condition –"

"Percy." Annabeth's voice threatened to break. She hated herself for letting Bob do this, but she knew it was the only way. "We have to." "We can't just leave them!" "You must, friend." Bob clapped Percy on the arm, nearly knocking him over. "I can still press a button. And I have a good cat to guard me."

Bob ruffled her hair. Smile lines crinkled around his eyes. "That is good. Until then, my friends, tell the sun and the stars hello for me. And be strong. This may not be the last sacrifice you must make to stop Ga-"




I bolted upright in my bed, dripping in cold sweat, almost knocking over to person looming over me. Luke looked at me and jumped back from my bed.

"Percy, from the last two weeks you have been mumbling stuff in your sleep. What is going on?" I turned to look at Jason who stood on the other side of my bed.

"'Excuse me, but if you're going to kill me, could you just get on with it?'" Luke impersonated my sleeping face and tried to impersonate my sleepy accent. "Sassy as always, I see."

Jason glared at Luke. "Percy, are you having nightmares? You know nightmares for demigods are like beacons of threats arising. Tell us."

"Well, they're not actually, nightmares. More of memories that I reminisce, only it happens in my dreams. That doesn't worry me a bit. What does is that from the past two weeks, just as these flashbacks started, Chaos isn't responding to me."

"That, my friend, is very unlikely of father. For the past year, he has always responded instantly. This is news to worry about."

Yes, it has been one year since I was banished from the Greek world. We have been doing our job very nicely- saving demigods and hunting monsters. We also narrowly missed the Hunters of Artemis, like 4 months back. We were having a hardcore training session- a duel between three people (Stupid! IKR!). We had completely let our guard down, just as we heard the call of an owl.

"hoo-h'HOO-hoo-hoo." We all stopped mid attack or defense position. I turned around and took in our surroundings. I quickly shut his eyes and formed a mind link with us.

'Don't speak out loud and don't move the slightest.'

'Got that.'

I raise both my hands and focus the vision around us. I call upon the Mist from the depths of the earth. I was careful not to use Chaotic Mist, since technically; the Hunters are blessed by Artemis, giving them ability to see through the Chaotic Mist. I concentrated on enveloping the whole campsite, managing to create an illusion from which they wouldn't be able to see us.

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