Ponta Delgada

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I know I should have said this before but meh. Just to inform you guys that the Argo II reached Greece traveling around the longer side of the globe because they took a detour to camp Jupiter which is on the other side of the United States compared to camp Half-Blood. They also took long detours to reach Diocletian's Scepter and other stuff. Percy and Annabeth will travel to Greece directly from Long Island Sound so they will only need to cross the North Atlantic Ocean and then to the Strait of Gibraltar at Hercules' Island and then some breaks in between there and Greece.



"Percy!" I heard Annabeth shout as I woke up gasping for air. "Thank God you're awake! We need to land, the Pegasi are tired."

'Yo Boss you had a nice long nap, time for us to rest, please. My wings are aching!'

"Yeah, yeah. We can land on Ponta Delgada. It's like 37.7 degrees 44 minutes North, 25.6 degrees 40 minutes West, so around the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, there's a set of islands..."

"The Azores archipelago of Portugal! Perfect."

"Yeah, we're almost there. While we're at it, we can fetch something to eat."


After about half an hour more of flying, we finally landed on the beach of Ponta Delgada, thankfully without any monsters interrupting us.

The part we had chosen to land on was secluded and it felt deserted. I conjured up some mist to cover up the pegasi to keep them hidden in case someone decides to attack or some pedestrian decides to take a stroll on a secluded beach.

While walking towards the main city, I was consumed by my thoughts. Some good, others, not so much.

Questing with Annabeth again had brought back memories I had buried deep within my soul. It had reminded me of our good times, about how we started off on a very bad note and then we just clicked. It had brought that queasy feeling back in my gut.

I had never imagined us together again, but at the end of the day, we are all puppets of the Fate. Even though I had wrapped myself up to be someone I wasn't, deep down, I wanted Annabeth to recognize me. To remember me as her Seaweed Brain.

Her fatal flaw had led her to believe I had left her. I couldn't really blame her, but after all that happened, I still felt there was a glowing thread of the Fates that bonded us together. I hoped the Fates hadn't snipped it.

While I really wanted things with Annabeth to turn out well again, I had to prioritize Jay's safety before anything else, which brought the bad thoughts up.

Some part of me wanted to believe that maybe Oceanus thought I wouldn't jeopardize the camp's safety for my brother. But the other part, the rational part, knew I was wrong. I had seen the Hunter on the Island of Hercules, and she might also have succeeded in turning him against the Gods.

Another gale of thoughts hit my mind, igniting a million more possibilities. If the hunters had all pledged themselves to the service of Artemis, does it mean that there is a spy among the hunters? Could it mean... no. Would Artemis turn against her family? Were there others in the hunt who were associated with the mysterious hunter?

It was like the second Titan War all over again, and my brain wasn't able to take all the information at once. Anyways, Annabeth was always the brains in this relationship.

I decided to share all these things with her later on. Right now, I was enthralled by the beauty of the place I was in. If I had liked New Rome, I was in love with Ponta Delgada.

The striking, 3-arched city gates and the Gothic-style Church of St. Sebastian near the harbor were just the outskirts of the actual city. People thought Roman architecture was the best, but Portuguese architecture was no different.

As expected, Annabeth couldn't stop talking about the mesmerizing arches or the enthralling domes or the artifacts that shone through the glass windows of the different museums. Chiron would love this place. I mean, every corner I turn, there is a different museum.

We entered the main city and went straight to a nearby café. We ordered a booth at the very back of the café so that we could talk without getting interrupted, or without the fear of being overheard.

As soon as we sat down, Annabeth dropped the bomb.

"Percy, I have a really bad feeling about this. I am getting a really bad vibe from this place. Something feels really off."

"Relax Annabeth, maybe it's just because last time you were here you were attacked many times. Don't forget that the Mare Nostrum is again in the reign of the Gods."


Unknown POV


"Brother, a slight problem has occurred. The boy has left the camp and is currently on his way to the shrine." A figure appeared from the darkness and knelt before their leader, who was currently seated on a giant throne made up of sea corals.

His loyal serpent was curled around his right arm. It's teal scales glistening with the scarce rays of the sun that penetrated through the domed ceiling. Its auricles vibrating, sensing any deceit in the words of the brooding figure. The jagged spikes on its body stood taut, indicating the attacking posture. It's head rested lightly near the wrist of its owner. The white slitted eyes focused solely on the kneeled figure.

"Fear not brother, I have had years to plan ahead. I have tricks up my sleeve that the Olympians would never had imagined. And even that boy alone can't decipher what or who stands in his way."

"But brother, he is no longer alone. That girl, the daughter of wisdom, is accompanying him to the shrine. She has the wits to outwit y..." The figure snapped his mouth shut.

Their leader had risen from his seat. His calm and composed posture had faded into anger and recklessness.

"How dare you insult me like that!" The master commanded. "I will not tolerate such condescending behavior in my supremacy."

"Brother, we cannot deal with such a situation in anger, we have to calm down deal with the girl." A female voice interrupted.

"Fear not sister, I have already planned their dismissal. The Ace of Spade. A bersagliere awaits them at Hercules' island. They will never be able to get past him."

A deep laughter followed the ominous words, shaking the cavern to it's core.

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