Dreading Suspiscion

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Cuz I'm on cloud 9!! My result is out and my GPA is 9.2 I mean boiiiii, I'm soooooo happy.

Also, I was kinda wondering, if anyone has even the slightest idea about who they are facing? Drop your thoughts in the comments!!



I was not able to open my eyes. Every muscle in my body ached from the blows inflicted on me.

Even in the darkness, I could feel the power of the ocean surrounding me. I could guess I was being held somewhere under the ocean, yet I could sense that the water surrounding me was ebbing with an unfamiliar power. The aura of the ocean was not the calm, collected ocean. I couldn't feel the wrath of the reckless and merciless ocean. This power seemed restless, relentless, and untamed. A power that was above the gods, and yet I felt the longing of the ocean. The ocean and ocean spirits had long left this place, or even worse, were killed. These waters were tainted.

"Ah-Brother, he is finally awake!" A female voice said, about 3 feet away from me.

I felt another powerful presence by her side, I'm guessing her brother.

"Yes, indeed sister. The weakling is awake."

My blood ran cold when I heard the voice. I had only heard this voice once before. There was no way that he could be here, unless.....

No, it can not be. The gods are not stupid enough to fall for the same trap again.

"Is the ritual ready?"

"Not yet, My Lord." A second male voice spoke. I couldn't recognize his voice.

"Make it fast Perses. We cannot hold him for much longer. He is too powerful, yet he doesn't know his powers yet. I need him to host me, and the process should be done before he realizes his true potential."

Perses. The name had struck a chord in my mind, but I couldn't pinpoint where I had heard that name.

Then, as soon as the pain started fading, the water around me gained more power and I started to feel weaker. I couldn't use my powers. The water was stopping me.

The very source of my power and all life forms was slowly killing me. Inflicting not only physical but mental damage. I was not able to think straight. The last thing I heard was the nerve-wracking laughter of him, as I slipped into unconsciousness again.




*Back to when Percy left the war council with Luke.*

The atmosphere of the room had grown tense. An uncomfortable silence had encased the rec-room. Finally, Jason decided to speak up.

"Okay, so let's not keep Annabeth's perspective waiting. Does anyone else think this could be the case?"

The room erupted in hushed whispers and I couldn't make out who was saying what, until Will spoke up.

"Okay. I think it's not right. Guys think properly. We are doing the same mistake we did with Percy. Annabeth, you tell me. What was his fatal flaw? Personal Loyalty. Poseidon will never go against his family."

"I second that," Clarrise spoke up, "it may not seem like that but I think Poseidon is the most level headed out of all the Olympians."

"So I presume that it has to be some other ocean deity. Annabeth, could you list out some of them?" Nyssa asked me.

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