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Austere darkness surrounds me. For as far as my eyes allow me to see, my demons hide in obscurity, clawing at my heart and mind alike. I've seen darkness before, the kind that makes our street like an old fashioned photograph, everything a shade of grey. This isn't like that. This is the darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces it with a paralyzing fear. In this darkness, I sit muscles cramped and unable to move. I only know my eyes are still there because I can feel myself blink, still instinctively moisturizing the organs I have no current use for. I can't hear anything either. I guess that should bring my heart rate down below the level of "rabbit in a snare" but it doesn't.

I try to call out to anyone who would hear my pleas. My voice feels foreign to myself. It comes out more of a whisper. I feel all hope evaporating from every essence of my being, turning me into a container for a broken soul. I stand at the brink of insanity, on the border of life and death. And then finally, the can pops open, slowly freeing my hopeless soul from my body. The darkness starts to fade away, and I feel light. My head feels floating and just as I am about to slip away from reality, finally free, a light breaks through the devouring darkness. The light is a soft golden glow that pulls me out of my reverie. It is slowly fighting off the darkness surrounding me, filling me with light. I feel powerful again. I can move and think properly again. The light engulfs me completely, and I can make out agonizing screams that pierce through the calm of the dark. But, above those screams, is a voice that beckons me towards itself. Towards hope, towards the brightness.

In fearful day, in raging night,

For those alone in the Blackest Night.

Look to the stars, for hope burns bright,

Where love conquers all with golden light.

I feel myself igniting, as the light turns into a flame. A flame brighter than any sun. The flame of hope surrounds me, freeing me from the clutches of my captors, who are still fighting back to keep me here.

I force my powers to their peaks. My ears have started ringing, but I ignore all the pain and misery. If I am here, it must mean they have kept him somewhere else. I have to save him. I can't do this too her. I promised her.

Darkness once again fills my vision and the flame of hope dims. Even with all my power, they overpower me, and I start to lose the battle.

Just as I am about to slip into the claws of unconsciousness, three faces shimmer into my vision, and I am able to push myself again. The pain in my gut is unbearable now, but I can feel myself leaving.

Finally, I am dropped into somewhere I have never been. I have the time to sweep my eyes around the place once, taking in the orbs of fire placed on intricate marble pedestals, leading to an immortal fire in a bronze brazier. The flame reminds me of Elpis and I know I am safe before I slip into unconsciousness again.



"Ugh! It's not here." I say to no one as I pull at my curls. I am beyond frustrated as I am not able to find any information on the type of mist Hazel was talking about. I've been scavenging our library for over three hours now.

As I was about to move on to another shelf full of books, a soft knock sounded on the door of the library.

I got up, grateful for the distraction, and trudged over to the door and opened it, revealing Malcolm.

"Hey um Annabeth, I was just checking up on you. You've been in there for like three hours now, any help you need? What're you looking for anyways, you like literally, know every inch of this library, and I haven't seen you this frustrated in so long."

"Yeah, have you ever heard about some different kind of mist. Like life-threatening mist?"

"Uhhh..." Malcolm was confused.

"Okay, so Hazel came to me today and she said that she could feel some special kind of mist that was shrouding the Chaos team. She said that it had been shrouding Jason until he revealed himself. And for the past few days, I have been wondering about the remaining members of the Chaos team. They have been moving about the camp like they know every inch of this place. My suspicions are growing, and I have a gut feeling that the Heir of the Universe is hiding something from us. There is more to him than meets the eye. I think we have already compromised the safety of the camp by accepting him inside."

"Hmmm, I've never heard of this mist you're talking about, but I am also starting to feel something is wrong. There is definitely something wrong with Percy. I started noticing this when he returned after talking to Will. For one, he never brought Jay along as he was supposed to. He's also been talking midnight trips to the beach. He goes there with his feet dipped in the water, and surprisingly, the water doesn't repel him like it did to us. Is Lord Poseidon alright?"

"That I don't know, but one thing is for sure: We need to figure something out."

"Well, there is one place where you might be able to fetch useful information and also find out more about this special mist. But, currently, the place is out of bounds for anyone."

"Oh please, I've been to Tartarus and back, there is no place that is out of bounds for me anymore."

"I didn't mean it like that. We will need a Goddesses help to access the place. And not just any Goddess, one particular Goddess of Wisdom."

Realization hit me on my face like a brick, and let me tell you, it hurt.

"Y-You're talking about Athena's Library on Olympus?"

"Precisely. Everyone knows where the Library is, but we need to convince the Olympian Council to reinstate Athena, because we need to get her help for accessing it. Anyhow, we are already missing our best tactician and we need her in this war."

"Yes, I will get to Olympus tomorrow and see what I can do. I might as well take Hazel and Frank with me."

"You have to go now, they are starting the war council soon."

The war council was, surprisingly, was lead by Ace, and he was handling it pretty well.

"Okay, so we still have no idea who this mysterious enemy is and we also have no idea how we are going to face him. There have been no monster attacks on camp yet and it is irking me. Either the war is closer than expected or the enemy is holding back to strike at full force."

"Ace," I finally spoke up.

"I have a lead on finding out more about his mystery enemy and so I will be heading to Olympus to gain their aid. I will be calling back Hazel and Frank for help."

"No." Percy suddenly chimed in. He was more than quiet today.

"Sorry, what do you mean no?"

"I mean that you should only call back one of the Praetors. The Roman Camp need their leader. I would suggest Hazel Levesque and I accompany you. We can better convince the Gods like that. Anyways, what is this lead you spoke about?"

This was my moment of decision. I didn't trust him one bit, so I decided to refrain from telling him.

"That is for the Olympians only. You will learn soon. Tomorrow, first thing after breakfast, we will head to Olympus."

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