Facing the Past - II

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After explaining Jason every event that happened till now, Luke decided to have some mercy on the campers and show himself to them. I had ordered every camper to drop whatever they were doing and assemble in the Arena, where Luke was already waiting for them.

Once everyone was settled, Luke began the show.

"Hello, guys! I'm back, I guess!" Luke addressed the gathered campers. He was acting so awkward, I couldn't resist chuckling.

"I-I just never got the chance to properly apologize for what I did. I was so blinded by revenge that I failed to see what the camp had done for me. What Chiron did for me. I felt lost beyond measure and Kronos invaded my mind and attacked me when I was at my weakest. I regret every decision I made back then. I remember breaking every promise I made. I regret losing friends," he glanced at me briefly, earning himself a smile. "And I what regret the most is breaking my promise to you." His gaze was transfixed on the crowd of campers, but even without looking, I knew he locked eyes with Annabeth. The promise he made to Annabeth was what freed him from the evil clutches.

"Luke, a great ally in war, an even better friend, "I couldn't resist speaking up. "You are the purest person I have the privilege to call a friend. You gave your life to keep a promise you made to someone you held dear. You resisted the Titan Lord himself. I am proud to fight beside you."

"L-Luke, i-is this r-really you..." All eyes turned towards the speaker: Annabeth, who was taking weary steps towards us.

Luke grinned again and took a step forward, opening his arms wide. "One and only!"

Annabeth jumped into Luke's arms, finally breaking down.

"I-I never thought I would get the chance to meet you."

After a minute or two, they let go and Annabeth turned towards the campers.

Clarisse rose from her seat and motioned silenced all the whispers that had erupted.

"Campers, I feel that we can place our trust into our fellow comrades now. The last boundary that restricted us is crossed, and now we can let Oceanus know we are a force to be reckoned."

All campers cheered and battle cries rose over the Arena. The hearth at the center glowed with new found hope and joy.

"Percy, we still need one more reunion," Jason whispered beside me. I gave him a confused look. "We need to rescue Jay. We cannot let them deal such a fatal blow to us."

And just like that, all the joy and euphoria (Is it awkward that I always wanted to use that word?) evaporated.

"Yes, Jason, but that is talk for tomorrow," I let myself drown in the camper's joy." For now, let's enjoy all the good times we can get."

Official End of Part one of the book.

Part Two begins from chapter 32 where the actual war stuff starts!

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