Coming Out

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Today was the day I had dreaded for the past year. I will have to confront the Olympians. I took a deep breath and built up enough courage to walk out of the camp. I decided to walk my way to the Empire State Building, just to clear up my head so that I don't blast the building off the face of the Earth.

I slowly walk through the nearly empty streets, thinking of my approach. I thought of informing Jason and Luke so that they don't freak out.

'Jason, Luke, I have already headed to meet the Olympians, so don't freak out and blow up the forest okay' I say through my mind link.

After about an hour, I reach the front desk at the ESB and ask that annoying guy for the key.

"600th floor please!"

"Good joking kid! There's no 600th floor, get moving!"

So the usual.

"Look, Mister, I am sure that as an ex-demigod son of Poseidon, and current creator of the universe, I can attract a hell of powerful monsters. So better give me that damned key."

I take out Sumarbrander for extra effect.

Realization hits his face and his eyes widen.

"Th-The savior! I am so sorry, here."

He hands me the key and I quickly jump into the empty elevator and start ascending the elevator.

After about twelve minutes, the elevator doors open with a very enthusiastic ching!

Getting out of the elevator, I notice grayish-white wisps spinning fast, circling the perimeter of Olympus. I realize Zeus had kept them there after the Titan War so that no one could flash into Olympus.

I twist the reality around me and change my appearance to a distinct looking person. The throne room doors open with a swoosh, revealing the place from where I was thrown out a year ago.

I notice someone sat cross-legged near the hearth. Typical Hestia. Her eyes were closed in concentration and she held an expression of calmness and fulfillment.

As my eyes landed on the Hearth, I realized that Riptide was no longer hovering above it. Great, at least my trusted sword found someone worthier than me.

I cleared my throat to get her attention. Her eyes shot open and she looked directly into my eyes.

"I have never seen you before at either camp, but you are surely a demigod, guessing from your aura. What brings you here?"

I was surprised that I was not being kicked out of Olympus for intruding in the throne room.

"I must converse with the full Olympian Council. Certain things have been overlooked for too long, and they must be dealt with at this very moment. Please call for a war council Lady Hestia."

Hestia rose from her position and put a hand the flames of the hearth, turning them to a vibrant purple.

Unexpectedly, an image of Riptide appeared over the Hearth as Hestia removed her hand from the flame.

"Lady Hestia, if I may ask, why is there a sword on top of the Hearth?"

She looked confused and when she looked at the hearth, she gasped.

"It has never done that before during a war council. It has chosen a hero!"

Before she could continue, thirteen bright lights filled the room, and once they diminished, the Olympians were seated on their respective thrones.

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