Together one more time?

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*Yeah! It's great to be back and all!*



"The son of the sea walks alone,

Towards the Gods' Throne.

With a last breath to take,

A final decision to make.

As the Hunter desires to cherish,

The Lone hero perish."

Annabeth stated as we were on the beach, preparing to leave. After we crash-landed on The Hawk Beach on Cape Sable Island, it took about 5 hours for Annabeth to be conscious again.

The sound I had let loose was not Panic. It wasn't the call of the wilderness that Grover had released.

It was, as Annabeth later explained, the call of Fear. Pure Fear, and that is why Blackjack and Porkpie had lost control and Annabeth had fainted.

"It was about three hours after you left that Rachel had a prophetic vision where the Erythraean Sibyl herself was reciting the Prophecy of the lone hero. Rachel had already painted the vision with the prophecy. A vision about the two of us going on a quest to save the lost child of Poseidon. With the Gods' help, we located you, and Porkpie agreed to accompany me. Since the Giants no longer reign the Mare Nostrum, the Gods had regained their power over Greece and Athens; The original Acropolis.

Alaska still remains out of bounds, but the Gods still have some power over their homeland. Consequently, demigods will still have the majority of their powers in the center of the Greek civilization.

"However, we shouldn't take it lightly. Even if the Gods have regained their powers in the Mediterranean, once we cross the Strait of Gibraltar, the Gods won't be able to help us. Non plus ultra. Once we cross the Pillars of Hercules, we still remain out of the Gods' reach and help. The monsters that were present when the Argo II sailed will still try to feed on demigod meat..." I abruptly halted, seeing Annabeth's eyes widen.

I rose my left eyebrow and gave her a questioning stare.

"You mentioned the Argo II, the pillars of Hercules, and the Strait of Gibraltar. I am pretty sure none of these existed when the Primordials ruled the cosmos. How do you know about all of this? Even Argo II, which was built much, much after Chaos existed."

Before she could pose any more questions, I interrupted her.

"Woah, Woah, calm down girl! I only know all of this because I am a good listener and even though I am ADHD, I can pay attention when I want. I know all of this because when Jason joined me, we had about a year. I know each and every detail about what happened in the Second Titan War and the prophecy of the Seven."


"Now, if you don't mind, we must proceed with this quest. I will not risk the life of Jay at any cost."

I let out a shrill whistle and both Blackjack and Porkpie came back from wherever they were.

We mounted our steeds and took off into the sky. I watched as the Coast of Sable island began to disappear as we ascended into the skies, beyond the clouds.

To my left, Annabeth had dozed off on Porkpie's back. I was reminded of our journey through the pit of Tartarus and how we endured so much together.

I rested my head on top of Blackjack's mane and gently closed my eyes, unknowingly drifted off to sleep.


The first thing I realized was the absence of motion. I quickly snapped up from my position and found that Blackjack was no longer under me. I one swift motion, Sumarbrander was in my hand and I was taking a look at my surroundings, but for as far as I could see, there was nothingness. The sky was pitch black and the Sun was an angry red, as if Apollo himself decided to scorch the earth. Annabeth and the Pegasi were nowhere to be seen.

"Annabeth!" I shouted, but a bit low, because I didn't want to attract unwanted attention.

I started walking in a random direction, but I felt like the horizon was moving away from me as I walked towards it.

"Annabeth!" I tried again, louder this time, and as if on cue, the skyline went dark and the darkness started enveloping the whole region. Like the Domino effect, all the light that was present was sucked into the void, leaving me in complete darkness. Even the glow from the celestial bronze was drowned in the still blackness that surrounded me.

I realized there was no way I could see here again so I relaxed and closed my eyes, intending to make my sense of hearing sharper.

I patiently waited for some time, trying to listen to any sounds that would penetrate through the barrier of silence that surrounded me. As time started to pass, I became all the more restless and panic started to surface in me.

Hesitantly, I took a step forward with my eyes still shut and found that I was able to move, even if the terrain below me was invisible to me. For all I know, I could be walking on billions of LEGO bricks and not feeling the pain because my nerves were destroyed...

I started walking in a random direction, trying to search for any sign of light or any place from where I can escape this place, whatever this was.

After about 10 minutes of walking, I could feel a faint buzzing sensation near my ear. Almost as if I had gone deaf.

A little hope filled me and I quickened my pace, but instead of the buzzing sound diminishing, it grew louder. I couldn't place the origin of the sound or the direction from where the sound is coming from.

I started running towards the general direction of where I was walking, paranoia taking over me. I just wanted to get out of here.

I was worried about Annabeth and the Pegasi and hoped that they weren't in danger.

As I approached someplace, the buzzing sound had turned into something else. Something that felt like faint murmurs erupted at the back of my mind but I couldn't figure out what they were saying.

I sped up and the murmurs became even more evident and started getting clearer.

Suddenly, I felt a shift in the atmosphere, and whenever I stepped onto the black floor, a sharp streak of pure white light would shoot up from where I set my foot and I could feel them illuminating the bleak sky above me and the barren land behind me.

I could see a patch of white light just ahead of me. I bolted for it and as soon as I crossed it, I was standing somewhere, facing the ocean.

I was standing on Jebel Musa in Morocco, facing the Strait of Gibraltar. Then I could no longer control my body from moving as I floated downwards toward the island of Hercules.

The scene swiftly shifted and I stood near a river. The river Achelous to be precise. The old river god stood at the bank of the river, talking to what seemed like a hooded figure. From where I stood, I could see the hooded figure carrying a sleek bow and a quiver full of sharpened arrows. The Hunter.

The Pontus and Hunter are having a conversation from which I can hear only bits and pieces. I caught words like Cornucopia, retribution, and revenge.

They apparently were making a deal.

Their conversation soon stops as a low growl is heard throughout the surrounding. I look towards the direction of the growl and two dogs slowly shimmer into existence beside the Hunter.

Without looking towards me, the Hunter knocks and arrow and shoots it straight at my head, and my vision dies out.

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