Divine Intervention

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Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality. And that coming out from a demigod is a big thing. Then, still laying on my bed, I turn my head to the alarm clock by my bedside. 5:15 am. I start thinking why I woke up so early. After 5 minutes of pondering, the memory of the last day came back to me: Percy, not appearing at the beach. His explanation and that he is leaving at 5:30 now. I suddenly jolt up from my bed, all drowsiness gone. I quickly get dressed in simple clothes and head out of cabin 6, careful not to wake up any of my siblings. As soon as I come out, I see a dark figure with a backpack headed towards the woods. Upon realizing it is my Seaweed brain, I follow him closely, not letting him see me. All the while thinking that the ocean is the other way, opposite the woods. Hey! What? I do trust him but I am not going to see him for the next week so I might just surprise him.He stops near Zeus' fist and I hide in the nearby bush. Then what I see shatters my heart. But, I refuse to believe my eyes at first.A girl, aged 15-16, walks out from the shadows and he bows down to her as he did to me yesterday. I quickly take in her appearance: Golden brown hair, stark grey eyes, beautiful facial textures. She turns back, facing me and I instantly duck down, hoping she didn't see me.Waiting for a few seconds, as I am about to make my presence acknowledged and walk out of the bush, they are nowhere to be seen. As soon as they go, reality comes crashing down on me and I start sobbing. I stay there for about twenty minutes, before my mothers words ring in my head."I do not approve of your friendship with my daughter."I compose myself and make a silent oath. I am getting the truth out of him the day he gets back. I don't care he fell into Tartarus for me! If he wants to be a cheating dog, he might as well do it without me!Then I storm off to my cabin.



I woke up at 5:00 am sharp and got tidy. I packed some extra clothes, Ambrosia, a canteen of Nectar and money: both mortal and Drachmas. Then I left for Zeus' fist.As soon as I reached Zeus' fist, Athena walked out of the shadow she was hiding in. I bow down in recognition."My Lady, we should be leaving now." I stated."Yes Percy. I will flash you but first, we must go somewhere... far from camp." Athena says and starts walking opposite direction of camp.As we reach a clearing, she asks me to close my eyes and soon I feel the searing light, meaning we had teleported to God knows where. I noticed that I was alone and Athena had left, memories came rushing back to me: The five of the quest, Artemis turning Zoe into a constellation, Annabeth kidnapped by Luke. Holding up the sky.I walked to a nearby café to get my bearings correct. I ordered some coffee and croissants. Sadly, they weren't blue but it would have to do! I finished my food and went to the manager to pay the bill and after asking him about the Golden Gate Bridge, beyond which I would find Mount Tamalpais. The bridge was about 10 miles away and so I decided to call Blackjack for a ride. I bought some sugar cubes and left the café. Once, I reached the road, I did my best taxi cab whistle and in no more than 15 minutes I saw a black shadow descending towards me.'Yo Boss! How's demigod affairs going on? Got any Doughnuts?' Was the first thing he asked."Sorry dude..." his face fell, "...but for now have these." I gave him the sugar cubes which he happily chewed on."Hey buddy, you up for a ride?"'Always Boss, haven't spread my wings for a long time! Where to?'"To the Golden Gate bridge, near Mt. Tam"'Seriously Boss why there? Old Titan Base ya know'"Just get me there it's sort of a solo quest"'Okay Boss, get on and hold tight'

_________________________________Time skippy_________________________________

After about 2 hours, the fuzzy outline of Mt. Tam glowed lightly as the sun came down. I had about 20 minutes to sunset, when the Gate to the Garden Of the Hesperides will be open. I ask Blackjack to leave me just a few feet away from the entrance to the Garden.Sheets of fog were drifting right across the road. As soon as I stepped in, the world behind me disappeared, and Thalia's words from the last quest came back to me:"Concentrate on Zoe," Thalia advised. "We are following her. Go straight into the fog and keep that in mind."Unfortunately, Zoe was not here with me to guide me. I thought of how to cross the fog, when suddenly a weird idea sprang in my mind. I quickly uncapped Riptide, and threw it as hard as I could into the fog, hoping it would reach the former home of its owner. Then I concentrated on my sword and started walking forward. just a few minutes later, the fog around me cleared, and Riptide was embedded in the ground securely. When I looked beyond it, I saw the Tree of the Golden Apples of Immortality and also the mighty Ladon defending it.'Approach the nymphs and say to come to get the Golden Apple, by a gods blessing,' Athena spoke in my mind, and then in front of me, the air shimmered a beautiful red and orange- The glow of the dawn, and 4 nymphs stepped out of it- The Hesperides."Ah, Perseus Jackson again. What brings thee here?" A nymph spoke out."I come to retrieve an Apple of Immortality, by the blessing of a god." As soon as I said that, a harsh silvery light surrounded me, but diminished as soon as it had come."Very well hero. Approach the tree but beware of the Dragon." One of them stated.'Remember your powers: mist is a form of water.' I heard in my head. When I looked up, the nymph on the left was smiling at me. I smiled back and the nymphs vanished in a deep orange glow.I started to devise a plan to get an apple from the tree without getting blowtorched by one hundred flamethrowers."Use you powers. Mist. Water...." As I whispered to myself, an idea made way into my head. Although it would take a lot of energy and concentration."What is of the Ocean, will always return to the Ocean." I whispered to no one.I started executing my plan: I expanded my senses to feel all the water vapour present in the air, the water flowing through the tree and the water present in the apples. With the similar tugging sensation in my gut, I imagined two things: first, the water around and inside the Apple of Immortality turning into its gaseous state; and second, the water vapour surrounding my outstretched palm solidifying into what has converted into mist. And then suddenly, the sensation died and I was holding a Golden Apple. It was a good thing that I was able to stash it away and that Ladon didn't realize I had an apple, because I felt exhausted and fainted on the spot.

_________________________________Time Skippy_________________________________

I groaned as I sat up. Instinctively, I uncapped Riptide, and took in my surroundings. I was in a... Palace. With majestic grey curtains and then my eyes land on the statue beyond the altar: I am in Athena's Palace at Mount Olympus."So finally awake are we?"I snapped my head in the direction of the sound, but clamed down when I saw Athena."How am I here, My Lady?" I ask as I bow in front of her."Well, after using powers of the mist, you fainted and I flashed you here to my temple to heal. Which reminds me, did you get the apple?"I frisked my backpack and handed her the apple."Fantastic! Now there is one more thing I would like you to do: can I have the ring you were going to give to Annabeth?""Um, Its in my cabin at Camp." I reply.Athena just holds out her hand and she is holding the red velvet box in her hand. She opens it to inspect the ring.The ring itself was an azure tinted platinum band. A translucent grey pearl rested on the front of the ring giving it an unnatural glow when light passed through it."Seriously, Percy? I expected something better than this." Athena states still inspecting the ring."You might need to perk this ring up and I have the perfect idea...""What would that be Lady Athena?" I interrupted her."You can infuse this ring with the skin of the apple you just gave me. It is a fairly easy process but for that, we will have to go to my secret forge. Please close your eyes Perseus."I did as told and I felt the soft carpeted ground change to a hard concrete floor. The temperature rose by about 10 degrees. We had flashed to a forge.

_________________________________Time Skippy_________________________________

The insides of the forge were at least thrice as Bunker 9. Leo would go mad if he came here! Stacked neatly in shelfs along the intricately carved walls were rows and rows of tools, from hammers to saws, from chisels tp tongs, you name it. But what caught my eyes the most was a glimmering celestial bronze cauldron-like structure. It contained a fire very unlike other. The fire was warm and inviting yet intimidating. Not like the destructive fires of Hephaestus, but more like the fire of the Hearth- Hestia's sacred fire. Above the cauldron, a glass box was suspended by a thin Stygian iron chain. The glass box itself was elaborately entwined within the same Celestial bronze used for the cauldron."Well, Perseus, if you're done staring, you need to get to work, besides, I must explain you the process of infusion." Athena said, slightly annoyed."Yes Lady Athena, please carry on.""The infusion process is the most delicate process when you need to infuse such a rare item to a mundane object. You will first need to peel the Apple of Immortality so that not even a single drop of the fruits juice remains in the peel. Then you need to put the skin in the center of the cauldron containing the fire- just below the glass case. This will ensure that all of the infusion is complete with least wastage. Next you need to place your ring in the box and leave it there for exactly 21 days where each day, you will have to check up on the ring and ensure that it is not glowing red. After 21 days, when the infusion process is complete, your ring will gain a bluish green glow implying that the infusion was a success. But be careful. If the ring glows red, immediately remove it from the box and plunge it into the water of the river Lethe over there. Any questions?" Athena stated in one breath."Once the infusion process is over do I have your blessing?" I ask and she just rolls her eyes."And how will I visit this forge for the next 21 days?"She takes out a hair clip from her hair and hands it to me."Just hold out this clip and think of being here and you will be transported here. Same goes with you going back to Camp. You must go now and start the infusion tomorrow." With that she flashed out of the forge.I kept the Apple and the box containing my ring on one of the shelfs and then got the hail clip out. Unfortunately, the hair clip would be pinned to the side of my shirt when I am not using it.

_________________________________Time Skippy_________________________________

I was flashed to the beach and it was around 8:30 pm, meaning the campers will be assembled around the campfire. Feeling tired, I decided to call it a night. But my decision was thwarted when I saw a lone figure sitting at the beach and shaking violently. I decided to check up on her and when I got nearer, I saw the familiar princess blonde curls and realized that my Wise Girl was crying. I went to her and hugged her from the behind.... only to be thrown off. Wow, Percy, getting judo flipped by your girlfriend twice in the same week. Way to go. When she looked at my face, realization crossed her eyes, but soon she ran away from the beach to god knows where. I thought that she needed some time and so I went to sleep in my cabin, deciding I will ask her tomorrow morning.

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