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"Percy.... We all regret what we did. I know what we did can not be fixed. A simple apology will never be able to fill the hole we created in your heart, but I know one thing Percy: The camp hasn't been the same since you left. Nico and I had already heard the prophecy, because we were a bit curious, and Nico hasn't taken it well. All of these sudden events have taken a toll on him. He blames himself more than anyone else. He may not show it now, but he is scratched in the heart. I know he said some hurtful things to you, but please talk to him, please. I can't see him so broken. He rarely sleeps, and when he does, he has wicked nightmares."

"Look, Will, I didn't come back for all that hearty touching reunion and crap. I came back solely because I owe my life to Chaos and he is in danger. I came back for all those innocent demigods who do not deserve such a fate. I came for all those mortals who will be plagued. As for y'all, I need you to know that I don't blame any of you. I know you all were fed lies, but I am not prepared to accept the fact that I forgave you all the day I was banished. But, I assure you, one day, I will. My fatal flaw is Personal Loyalty after all. And Nico... yes, what he said hurt me more than it should have, but I totally understand. I would have done the same thing if Jay and I were in Bianca and Nico's shoes then. So please know this Will; I am here for the camp, you must trust me."

"Percy, I do, we all trust you."

"Thank you, Will. I will make sure to talk to Nico. But, because you know who I am, I must be confident that you won't reveal me. I must place a jinx on you so that you can never reveal my identity unless I tell you so."

Without waiting for a reply, I chant a spell, that I didn't know I knew. A grey wisp floated from the ground and revolved around Will's mouth, before settling down on his lips.

"Now that that's been taken care of, I need to get Jay to camp. I need to talk to the Hunters of Artemis and then I'll talk to Nico. I'll flash you back to camp. Tell Chiron that the Hunters of Artemis will be arriving at camp in the evening. Tell Jason and Ace that I will be returning a bit late. Ask them to call a war council after dinner. Get ready."

He nodded and I placed my index finger on his shoulder, flashing him to the Apollo cabin.

Mom soon came out of the kitchen and I called for Jay, who came bounding towards me and jumped into my lap once more.

I pinched his cheeks and then turned to mom.

"It's time mom."

Her smile was replaced by a confused stare.

"For Jay to be at camp. I know he's only seven, but I can't keep him here much longer. It isn't safe for either of you."

Her confusion quickly turned to remorse.

"I know Percy, but, I think it's still too early. The gods claim their children or patrons before the age of 14 right? Jay is just seven."

"Mom, I know it's hard for you, but with this war going on, things are not going to be normal anymore. Also, Poseidon is Jay's patron not parent, so he is already claimed. And since his patron is one of the big three, it is even more dangerous for you all."

"Fine Percy, I trust you. Please take care."

"Yes, mom. I must go now. I have places to be. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

"Ready to meet new friends Jay?"

He squealed in excitement and latched onto my legs.

I focused on my past, pulling out the best memory of the one person who I trusted more than my life. We were sort of frenemies. I wasn't too close to her until it happened.

I focus and soon we are no longer in my apartment.

"Percy, where are we?"

"Shhhh. Just wait, and don't call me Percy. Call me Percissa. Okay. No questions."




It has been more than a year since Percy was banished. A lot has changed since then. All water bodies are churning with uncontrollable power. No demigod albeit some who had gained Lord Poseidon's trust can tread there. The camp is also drowned in misery. The hunt is much less active now. The heirs of Chaos have been taking care of all major monsters.

Lady Artemis had warned the hunters about some prophecy. Even with all the recruits we have been gaining, another war for the camp will be much more dangerous.

We are currently walking back to the camp after practicing for about three hours. While approaching the camp, I sense two beings. I raise my palm, signaling the hunt to stop.

I signal them to stand by but not attack without my permission. I sense two powerful demigods. What infuriates me is that one of them is a boy.

What is a boy doing at our camp? How were they able to find it.

Slowly and stealthily, I move towards the figures. Before I can interrogate them, the girl speaks up, without turning to me.

"Good afternoon lieutenant Grace!"

I lower my bow. The voice sounded familiar, yet I couldn't recognize it.

They both stand from their place and walk over to me. I quickly aim my bow again.

They both look scared.

"I-I am, Percissa Carter, a-and I was brought here by P-Percy.... He said you can tr-train me." The girl, Percissa, explains, scared.

"Th-this is my brother.. Our family was killed by a monster. I c-c-couldn't leave him alone so I brought him h-here. He's only s-seven." She points to a boy hiding behind her.

I lower my bow and call out all the hunters from their hiding spots. As soon as they see Percissa, all of the newly recruited hunters leap in joy and hug her tightly, or surround her.

"Hunters fall back," I command and wait for them to get back. "How do you know Percissa?"

"Percissa? He is Percy, the one who brought us to camp."

I turn around and my bow falls from my hands as I stumble a few steps back, colliding with Phoebe.

I turn around and see.....

*Hey guys I just realized I haven't done an Annabeth confrontation since the war council. It just clicked that I need to do it..*

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