New Adventures

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I was relieved when I finally saw a flock of Stymphalian birds flying towards us. I was downright terrified, I didn't really like the idea of fighting with a sword when flying so high up in the sky, not to mention the thick fog that I could barely steer Blackjack through the mountain ranges. We had been traveling 2 days straight without any signs of impending danger. It was driving me nuts because I had become a lot jumpier now. As the flock came closer, I wanted to retrace my thoughts back. The murderous glint in their eyes made me want to turn back now and head home, but I couldn't. I was never the one to back away easily. Especially when it came to family.

The son of the sea walks alone,

Towards the Gods' Throne.

I can't see more, it's torn... lost... destroyed.

Ella could have only helped so much when the camp oracle failed to deliver a prophecy for me.

For a week, we had been struggling to reinforce both camps' defenses and prepare battlements. Oceanus had warned the Gods themselves that his plan has almost succeeded and they didn't have much time until he destroyed them to the core.

As soon as we were informed, I had rushed to Rachel so that I could find some clue as to where Jay was. Sadly, she had no clue, but I was resolute. We searched through the library in New Rome, the attic in the Big House, but still, we found no clue. Ella became our savior and said that she had found some destroyed prophecy from the Sibylline books and Rachel had confirmed her suspicion.

For a week, I convinced the Gods to allow me to undertake a solo quest to find Jay. They had reluctantly agreed, trusting Jason and Luke with the situation at both the camps.

Hephaestus himself, with Tyson and Briares, had trained me to make most of my new sword. Sumarbrander now rested as an intricate ring on my index finger.

It was a black band with a blue sea in the center.

I flicked the ring and Sumarbrander appeared in my hand as a pilum.

'Boss, they're not stopping!'

"Neither are we!" (Lol I couldn't not do this!)

"Blackjack, just stay calm and maneuver so that their beaks don't touch you or me. I don't want a bleeding horse littering the ocean!" I screamed over the wind.

Blackjack cussed so violently, I had to resist the urge to punch him in the muzzle.

When I was banished Blackjack had gone off to search for me, without telling anyone. Arion had found him injured and had taken him to The Pegasus where he had trained to be the best, the fastest. Although his speed couldn't match Arion's, he had become a lot faster than any other pegasus known.

I raised my pilum and tried to jab at the incoming bird, but it dodged swiftly.

'Boss, hold on tight!'

Blackjack yelled before suddenly swerving to the left and doing a backflip.

"Think Percy think! Greek Mythology 101, Hercules' sixth labor, how did he defeat these damned birds!"

I was sure we had learned something about this in Greek history. This is why I liked going on quests with Annabeth, she was always the brains behind missions like these where I was the brawn. Not that she had any less brawn than me.

Although Blackjack was nimble, he wouldn't be able to dodge them for too long. I had to do something fast.

"Percy, you can't defeat them, make them go away!" I had been thinking about Annabeth for so long, I literally could hear her voice in the back of my head.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT DIPSHIT! FOCUS ON NOT DYING!" The voice suddenly seemed a lot closer.

'Yo, Boss' I heard the voice of another Pegasus in my head.

"Porkpie? Where the hell are you?" I asked the wind.

'Slow down, Boss, I'm almost there"

I turned around and saw a white Pegasus flying towards us, its white mane flying in the wind. On his back, was a figure who I couldn't recognize because of the sun shining in my eyes. The girl was about 5' 10" with blonde hair. The way she held herself on the Pegasus told me that she had done this before.

As Porkpie came near, I realized the girl was Annabeth and she was screaming something at me.

Blackjack suddenly swerved downwards, bringing me back to reality.

'Yo, Boss, daydream later, please, I'd rather not have my pegasi bum kicked'

Porkpie and Annabeth were flying next to us and she looked at me.

"Loud screeching noises Percy!" Annabeth screamed, confusing me even more.

"What are you saying Annabeth?"

"Me and Percy, as in Perseus, once drove away a flock of Stymphalian birds by playing a 'Volare' cover by Dean Martin. They are vulnerable to loud sounds. That's the only way out of this." She finally explained.

"Jeez Annabeth, it's not like I can conjure a whole band out of thin air." I retorted.

"Blackjack on your left!" She shouted, and thankfully, Blackjack was fast enough to dodge another bird.

"Wait, remember you said you are a Lord of the Wild, as in you have nature powers from Pan himself?"

"Yes I do, but what about it."

"Then maybe you can do what Pan did to stop Kronos' army during the first Titan War, or what Grover did to drive away Luke's forces."

"I- I don't know if it will work, but I can surely try."

I remembered how Grover just opened his mouth and let loose a piercing sound that sounded like a thousand trumpets were being played off-tune.

I opened my mouth and screamed, without using my vocal cords and tried to summon the voice of Lord Pan.

"Percy, stop that, you look like you are trying to catch a fly in your mouth. I told you to summon Lord Pan's spirit, not stare at the sky agape."

Then, as if the birds had enough of our banter, they formed a loose circle around us and came in for the kill together.

I closed my eyes and focused on the little essence of Pan I had inside of me. I recalled the voice of Pan I had heard in the Labyrinth.

Once again, I opened my mouth and tried to call upon the voice of nature, the call of Pan. This time, I felt Blackjack jolt underneath me, but I didn't stop. I felt the rush of the wind all around me and I knew I had succeeded.

"Percy, stop, take control, you're falling!" Annabeth suddenly shouted, making me open my eyes.

We were rapidly falling towards the North Atlantic ocean and I realized Blackjack was not responding.

"Blackjack!" I tried screaming his name, but it was of no use. Towards my right, even Porkpie had gone limp.

I looked below to see the surface of the ocean approaching us rapidly.

"Annabeth, hold your breath when we are about to hit the ocean," I instructed her and hoped that she could hear me over the roar of the wind.

I focused on the ocean below and willed a wave to rise and engulf us. I created an air bubble big enough to surround us under the water.

I wished the currents to lead us to the nearest island and according to my bearings, it would be Cape Scable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The waves gracefully put us down on the shore of Hawk beach.

As soon as we set foot on land, Blackjack and Porkpie legs gave away and they fell sidewards on the beach, successfully dumping Annabeth and me on the sand.

I turned to see Annabeth spluttering and removing water from her system.

At least we were not dead, yet.

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