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I lurked in the shadows near the banks of the River Lethe, waiting for Jason and Luke to appear.For the past two days, Chaos had been explaining me some of his powers. I learnt to control the Chaotic Mist which is much more powerful than regular Mist. Not even a clear sighted mortal can see through it. If used properly, it can create perfect illusions, else it can kill the user.I snapped my head to the far right as I saw a flash of white approaching, Sumarbrander in my hand. I relaxed when I saw it was Jason, Luke and my favorite fury, Alecto. Using the Chaotic Mist, I stood near the banks of the River Lethe, invisible to the eye.

"Spirits of Elysium, you must drink from the Lethe and wipe all your memories from your past life if you are to be reborn. Do you accept?" Alecto said to them.

"We do." They replied back.

I got ready to use the powers of Chaotic Mist, but as soon as Luke and Jason stepped into the Lethe, memories came flooding back to my mind. 

 The Quest for The Sword Of Hades, the children of the big three gathering. Iapetus hobbled towards me, while I waited patiently with a dizzy head. I heard the FLOOM! of the Lethe as Iapetus stumbled into it. 

 "'Who am I?' Were his first words."

Percy, you are losing them." Chaos said in my head and I snapped back to reality.I focused to see Luke and Jason staring at each other as in my mind and I got the feeling of their link from the past breaking.I snapped my fingers and Chaotic Mist enveloped the place. I imagined Luke and Jason beside me and thought of their physical forms, after which they appeared next to me, while replicas of both of them, stood in the Lethe.I then placed a hand on each of their shoulders and mist traveled into the woods I had been practicing my powers with.As soon as we landed, I let go of the Chaotic Mist and both Jason and Luke slumped to the ground.

"Percy, while your friends here rest, I want to ask you where you would stay now."

"Father, I am certainly not going back there so soon. I wish to stay here in this forest, hidden from the Greek world."

"Well, you can hide in plain sight in this forest. You can be close to camp and also well hidden, if you like it."

"Of course dad! But what if the campers stumble upon here, as we did play capture the flag in this forest."

"Use the Chaotic mist to envelop this area. No one will be able to see you even if they stand right in front you. Also, use your powers of creation to create a home for the three of you. Just do the same thing you did for Sumarbrander."

"Thank you dad!"

I raised my arms and closed my eyes in concentration. I created a barrier of Chaotic Mist around a small area and soon, the smoke faded to reveal nothing. Although, I felt the presence of strong mist present.Next, I concentrated on creating a cabin just like camp had. although, this was much more furnished and well suited for demigods.I picked up Luke's and Jason's bodies and placed them inside the cabin on their respective beds.

~Time Skippy~

It has been a week since I broke my oath. Jason and Luke woke up after a day and then I explained them what had happened once I broke my oath on the Styx. I explained how I became the Heir of the Universe.They were even more dumbfounded when I gave them their heightened powers, with the help of Chaos. All three of us have been helping demigods to reach Camp Half-Blood, Lupa's manor or the Hunters camp. Using the Chaotic Mist, whenever we go on rescue missions, we change our appearance, to confuse the campers so that they cant pin point who we are.I was sure Zeus couldn't bear three powerful beings 'threatening' his rule.One time, Artemis almost caught us when we were delivering a girl of around 11. Artemis had set up a powerful veil so that one would be lured into it. Luke almost stepped into their camp, before Chaos interrupted and flashed us out of there.We also have been hunting the monsters that roam around in the camp jungle and we even met the god of geysers, who very conveniently sprayed me with very hot water, when I laughed at his domain and cracked a silly joke.After about 30 minutes of apologizing to him, he forgave me.Today, I am on a solo mission to save a demigod who lived near my old home. I had changed my appearance to a new style. I had short cropped blonde hair. My eyes were a deep brown, almost black and I was wearing a red and black checkered shirt. Suddenly, I remembered about mom, Paul and Jay.

"Holy Chaos' Underwear! Mom's gonna surely kill me."

"Umm, Percy, I would appreciate if you don't swear on my Underwear."

I chuckled at that."My apologies, Lord Chaos!"

"Apology Acccepted, Perseus!"

Our rambling was cut short when a scream pierced my ears.I sprinted of towards the direction of the scream and what I saw chilled my blood to the bone.A strikingly beautiful woman with a smile as warm as a quilt and sparkling blue eyes that was changing color in the light. Her hair is long and brown with a few streaks of grey. Her scent was like chocolate, licorice, and everything else one would find in a candy shop.She stood in front of a small boy, a metal rod in her hand.I noticed two things after that:The Woman was fending off a Hell hound, that was snarling at them.The little boy who looked about five years old. He had salt-pepper hair and striking light blue eyes just like the woman in front of him. He stood behind the woman, cowering and hiding his face behind his mother.Percy got out of his thoughts and pulled out Sumarbrander from its scabbard and made quick work of the beast threatening the pair.The woman lowered her hand that held the rod and looked at me confusingly. The boy peeked out from behind his mother and for the second time that day, my blood ran cold.Standing in front of me were my mom and my little brother who, when I last checked, were mortals and shouldn't have been able to attract monsters.

"P-Percy?" Jay spoke out from behind mom's legs.He jumped out from behind mom and leaped at me, with his arms outstretched. I caught him from the air but hesitated to hug him back.

"Jay! Get off of the stranger. What did I tell you about people with swords?"

"Mom, he is not at stranger! He is my big brother. I am sure I can hug him, without him killing me!"Now I was shocked. No one apart from the ones chosen by chaos are able to see through Chaotic Mist. I set him down as mom ran towards Jay and lifted him up. She looked wary of my and Sumarbrander. I sheathed the sword and called Chaos.

"Chaos. Did you, by any means, bless my little brother, because he saw through the Mist?"

"No Percy, I haven't. And I am not sure how he can do that, unless he is a mortal, blessed by the gods."Now I understood why the hound had been chasing them. A God was my brothers patron.

"One last thing. Can you inform Jason and Luke that the mission succeeded but I wont be back for some time. I need to talk to mom."

"I will. Take as much time as you want."

As I snapped back to reality, I saw Jay and mom talking in a hushed tone, but because of my heightened senses, I heard everything crystal clear.

".... was killed by bad people. It is not your older brother sonny." I saw she was fighting back tears.

"Mom, I can see it is him. I am not hallucinating! Please mom." Jay sounded so desperate, I was fighting the urge to throw off my fake appearance and hug him.I slightly cleared my throat and mom turned to me.

"T-Thank you, for your help. I must get going now." Mom said as she took a tentative step back.

"Wait, please just hear me out!" I said a bit too quickly.She hesitated at first, but then stood there waiting.

"I am sorry, but I heard you talking. I suppose you must be Sally Jackson?"Her eyes widened in shock. 

"How do you know me?"

"Actually, I know your son, Percy. I can summon him here if you wish to talk to him."

"H-How do I know I can trust you?"

"Well, you can walk off and never see me again, or you can see your son and " I pointed to Jay,    "his beloved elder brother."

At this, Jay squealed in her arms and started chanting "Please mom!" Over and over again.

"Okay. You can summon him here. But, you will stay 10 feet apart."


I closed my eyes and thought of letting go of the Mist that surrounded me. I started to glow a deep purple this time. As the glow died down, I opened my eyes to see mom in shock and Jay had his fingers crossed.

"P-Percy? But, they said you died.."At this I smirked and sighed. This was going to be a long talk. Not that I am complaining.....


Hello Readers! I have decided to put updates every Monday now. This will give me enough time with all the college schist!

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