Eye of the Universe

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White. All I could see was white. I whirled around but all I could see around me was confusing. I seemed to be in a grander Olympian Throne room. Huge white marble pillars stretched out from floor to the sky. Everything was the purest white marble, without a fleck of dust. Although, it seemed that no one had stepped foot here in a thousand years.A blinding yet warm glow made me avert my eyes.When I opened them again, the whole scene had changed.The endless white floor was bounded by four intricate white walls engraved with strange symbols, forming a room, and near the furthest wall, on a pitch black throne, swirling with galaxies and stars, indicating the domain of the person sitting on it. The person sitting on the throne reeked of power. He was wearing a plain purple suit on a plain white shirt and a purple tie. I reached in my pocket to grab my trusted pen, only to be hit hard with the past events. Although, even if I had my sword, I knew this man could kill me with the blink of an eye.I bowed instantly, because I knew that this person was even more powerful than the gods.

"Rise, Perseus" The man spoke. His voice was deep and comforting.

"It's Percy, Lord. Albeit, I must ask. Am I not dead? Is this where souls go once they break an oath on Styx?"

"And Sorry, My Lord, I do not recall a God as polite as you. May I know who you are? And why are you choosing me?"

"I am Chaos. Creator of this Universe. As for  your second question, I am sure you will find out very soon."

"C-Chaos! As in The Creator? We thought you faded? Why appear now? That to in front of a- a dead traitor?" My voice croaked as I said the last part.

"Young Perseus, you are not dead. Your act of pureness and truthfulness has been able to gather the most powerful part of my essence that was scattered around the Universe. And, I have an offer for you."

"Well, Perseus, my offer for you is to be my host. Not like Kronos, but like the Egyptian Goddess Nekhbet, that you hosted while fighting the Egyptian sorcerer Setne. You will become my eye, and also the heir of the Universe. You will be in full control of yourself. I will only guide you whenever you need me. After becoming my eye, you will have to help those demigods in the mortal world who can not reach either camps at time. You will also pick two demigods from the dead to help you. I will explain further if you accept. Please, Perseus. My time is very less, my essence is scattering again. I fear I wont be seen this strong again. If you refuse, you can continue to the Greek afterlife. So I ask you, do you accept."I pondered over this for a few seconds. If I accepted, I would have to meet them again. Although, somewhere deep inside me, I knew I had forgiven all of them. They were all been fed lies. I remembered what the nymph had said to me while I cleaned the stables for Geyron-

"Even when I'm out of the water, the water is within me. It is my life source"

"Very well said, Percy."

"Lord Chaos, I do accept your offer. Thank you."As I said this, Chaos dissolved into pure white smoke and entered me through my nose and mouth. And then I blacked out.

~Time Skippy~

I woke up to see the starry night sky shining in all its glory. As my vision became clearer, I saw that I was in a forest. Uncertain of what I should do, I call upon Chaos in my mind, hoping it would work.

"Lord Chaos?" I spoke in my mind.I felt a nagging presence in the back of my mind and I allowed it inside.

"Percy, next time, please call me Chaos. I will guide you"

"Now, as you know, you have become my eye. I also sensed dormant, yet strong essence of Nature within you. Due to my powers, it has been triggered, making you a minor Lord of the Wild."

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