Pontifex Maximus & Connection problems

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*Hey guys, I'm back! Exams are finally over and thus I will be returning to my regular update schedule every Mondays. A double update today cuz I managed to sneak a chapter during my exams also hehe, enjoy!*



The trip back to camp Jupiter was exhilarating. There was so much catching up to do. We hadn't waited for Percy to return from his errands, because we would just be wasting time. We needed both camps to be ready, because we had no idea who we were facing or when they would attack. A Roman is always ready for a battle.

As we neared the Caldecott tunnel, the familiar feeling of déjà vu struck me. It felt so nice to return home after 2 years.

Frank and hazel already had filled me in with major details of what happened after I died. How Apollo was able to summon help from Diana and how Reyna had joined the Hunters, along with Piper.

I felt a bit sad learning about Piper becoming a maiden. I had loved her with all my heart. And she doesn't even know that I am still alive.

The cool breeze from the Tiber reminded me of my days as the Praetor of the Twelfth Legion.

A senate meeting was called, and it would be starting after lunch.

Lunch was filled with awkward stares from all legionnaires. Even the Lars had started bothering me. The senate meeting was called for me to pass on the information and also for the ceremony of me becoming the Pontifex Maximus.

Soon, all demigods were heading towards the senate-house. I was profusely stopped by Terminus himself.

"Ah, so the Pontifex is back as a Lar. It is a great honor to have you back, Pontifex."

"Hello to you too Terminus, but I am here in flesh and blood. Oh, where's Julia? I need to place my weapon."

As if on cue, Julia stepped out with a tray in her hands.

I tossed my coin into the tray and thanked Terminus.

"I have to go now, but I will explain everything, don't worry."

The interior of the senate house looked the same it looked before The Argo II had fired on it. A semicircle of tiered seats faced a dais with a podium and two chairs. The seats for the Praetors. The Senators had filled up the front row and the rest of the house was filled by all members of the legionnaires, lars, or old veterans.

Once the entire senate was seated, Frank gestured for Hazel to begin the meeting.

"I call to order this meeting of the people of New Rome and the Twelfth Legion. First item on the agenda: The return of our former praetor and legionnaire Jason Grace. I request Jason Grace to recount his story for the sake of the members of the senate."

I stood up and went to the podium. This was nothing new to me.

"Romans, it is my honor to serve the Legion again. About a year ago, Lord Chaos resurrected me from the dead to serve him. I have worked with his son- Percy Jackson, Heir of the Universe. It has been us who drove away all the dangerous monsters from forests and the ones who have been sending demigods to either camps or the hunters. We have come to save Chaos from his fate.

"There has been a prophecy made. A prophecy that was told a year ago. The gods have kept it a secret and by doing so, they have risked the lives of many demigods and mortals alike." As if Zeus was listening, thunder crackled in the distance.

"We are going to face an enemy who we don't know yet about. Percy has sent me here with Will Solace, the child of Apollo to consult the prophecy with Ella and Tyson. The prophecy goes like this:

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