New Book!!!

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Hello Readers! I am here to announce my new book. It's called The Bond of Love and I was keen on taking up a challenge. I have never written anything of that sort, so just go check it out. The prologue is up, but newer chapters will join once I am done with this book.


This story revolves around miscommunications, and misunderstandings that slowly destroy a beautiful bond between two brothers. (This is not an Incest Story)

Their bond weakens when Alex comes out as gay to his elder brother Brendon. Brendon, not being a homophobe himself, but in fear of the society, friends, and relatives, does not give any reaction, of acceptance or otherwise, to Alex, who in turn mistakes this silence as rejection. Thinking Alex needs some time, Brendon doesn't talk to him for the rest of the day, fueling Alex's thoughts.

As the week passes by, huge revelations are made, in isolation. Brendon doesn't want to make an effort to talk to Alex now because of his insecurities. He wants to keep Alex safe in school, because of the jerks there, which forces him to spew words that he doesn't mean. Miscommunications break the boys to their soul, but none of them will admit it to the other, while both suffer.

Until, one day, Alex does something that makes Brendon conscience bloom over his insecurities and he finally decides to confront Alex.

What did Alex do? Will he accept a sincere apology?

Read to find out!


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