Facing Mistakes

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"You are a spy, from Oceanus." She spoke finally, venom lacing every word.

Everyone in the rec room was glaring at me. I rose from my seat but before I could say anything in my defense, they had forced their judgment upon me. They were all shouting at me, accusing me, yet one voice stood out from all of them.

"We should have never believed them!" Thalia's angry voice echoed in my ears.

My eyes went wide and I was slowly backing away from all of them. The voices of my daunting past had returned in my mind, drowning all other voices.


"How could you do this to me? To us?"

"I gave my life for you Luke..."

I didn't know I had started backing away from them, but I hit a wall and I knew I was trapped.

"You have no right to live! Die, traitor."




The whole room erupted in angry shouts from all the head counselors. Twenty-one pairs of eyes glared at Luke, and I could feel the fear that had etched itself in his heart. His eyes were wide, and he was slowly backing away from the table, his eyes darting from one side to another, desperately searching for someone who would deny the charges for him. I knew I had to act now before the situation got out of control.

I slammed my fists on the table with such force that I heard the wood crack and immediately all the accusatory voices stopped and turned to me.

Without responding to any of their confused stares, I cautiously made my way towards Luke, who was trembling in a corner of the rec room with his eyes shut tight. I knew exactly what was going on in his head. The ghosts of his mistakes were invading his mind. The voices in his head won't let him hear anything apart from threats. This was not a panic attack or an anxiety attack, demigods weren't prone to those. This was his body's defense system.

I crouched beside him and turned his face to look at me. I tapped his shoulder twice and his eyes flew open.

"Ace, it's me, Percy, I'm here, calm down. You're okay, there is no one here apart from the two of us. Relax, try to speak, defend your brain. Remember me."

I gripped both of his shoulders and looked into his eyes. I focused on speaking inside of his head, to search for the Luke that was surrounded by various voices.

I trudged deeper into his brain, slowly pushing all the voices out, re-living all of his memories. I forced my thoughts into his brain, and then all of a sudden, the voices started fading away fast. He was succeeding in raising the barriers of his brain.

I quickly jumped out of his brain and he was much more relaxed as he came out of his misery. He was still shaking uncontrollably, but other than that, he was fine.

Once he focused on my face again, he lunged to hug me, and I instantly returned the hug. I could feel the wetness on my shoulder, and I knew he was crying. I didn't say anything, but he started explaining himself, quite loudly.

"I knew I should never have come here, I told you I would never find acceptance again, " he started in a loud voice, but grew silent as he continued. "I knew they won't trust me, this was bound to happen. Now it's just a matter of time before they kill me again."

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