The Hunter, part 1

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So, Finally, my laptop started working again, and here I am with an update


BTW, if you want a dedication, just dm me, I am really bad at keeping a record on who I have to dedicate a part to.




Annabeth decided to venture deeper into the city and buy some "crucial resources" that would come in handy during the rest of the journey. Unfortunately, this resource trip had turned into Annabeth fangirling over the ancient architectural buildings.

I was getting more and more worried by the second. Every second that we spent here, walking around, not only were we inviting monsters but we were also neglecting the fact that Jay was in danger and an army led by Titans ready to invade both camps.

Plus the negativity in the pit of my stomach was growing. The unknown hunter was out on our chase and I had no intention of meeting him on our journey to Greece.

"...Percy! Are you even listening?" Annabeth brought me back to reality.

"Huh, sorry, I just... Annabeth, we need to leave soon. I have a really bad feeling about all of this. I have had such a feeling only once before. It was just before I found Jay Jackson and his mother being attacked by a beast. They were about to be killed."

"Chill, Percy! Wasn't it you who was asking me to relax a few minutes back? Nothing's gonna happen, Percy, just a few more minutes and then we can stop by a café and pack some food for the Pegasi."

"Anna-" My argument was cut short as I felt the swish of something slicing through the air. Instinctively, I ducked and turned around, Sumarbrander in my hand, but I saw nothing suspicious.

"P-Percy?" A weak voice sounded from behind me and whatever had just happened clicked in my mind without even turning.

A projectile was supposed to hit me but instead, it caught Annabeth off guard and as I turned around, I saw an arrow impaled in Annabeth's left shoulder, but what was confusing was the fact that even though the arrow was made of what looked like silver, there was no blood coming out of her body. The affected area was slowly turning into a bluish-green patch.

The feeling of absolute dread settled in my gut when Annabeth wasn't able to make any sound. The blue patch was slowly spreading across Annabeth's body and judging by her expression, it was really very painful.

Carefully, I try to cut the shaft of the arrow but even with Sumarbrander, it wasn't budging.

I tried to grasp Annabeth's shoulder, but to my shock, my hand passed right through. I was terrified and I couldn't think of anything to do. Desperation got the better of me and I used all the healing magic chaos had taught me. I tried using nectar but still, nothing was working.

Slowly, right in front of my eyes, Annabeth's body was starting to dissipate into smoke, something I found very abnormal.

I was never the smart one on our team and with the brain gone, the body cannot function. Annabeth's entire body dissolved into smoke and the arrow impaled itself in between my feet with a distinct swish.

It was then that I noticed the shape of the arrow: The tip was shaped like a hawk's beak and the shaft had a small scroll tied to the shaft. Near the fletching, there was an unmistakable symbol of a crescent moon and hunting knives. The symbol of Artemis.

The Hunter had managed to sneak up on us and he had almost succeeded in his task of assassinating me. But fate was never with me. Again, a demigod had lost their life due to me.

I almost chickened out and left the scroll unopened, afraid of what the hunter wanted to convey. But I needed closure. Annabeth and I were one of the duos that had survived the longest and were been to two wars.

I opened the scroll with a deep sigh.

Do not worry Annabeth Chase, your friend isn't dead, yet. You know, I would have been ruthless and shot him straight through the head, but unfortunately, Lord Oceanus needed him for some special task and so he is still alive. And because I have such a big heart, I'll give you one chance to save your ex-boyfriend... Find me near Achelous' river at the Strait of Gibraltar before sundown tomorrow and I might just let him go.

I hope you are wise enough.

For a second, I was relieved that Annabeth hadn't been the one to read the letter. I wasn't ready to face her as Perseus Jackson yet.

The other part of me was worried about what Oceanus had planned for me and now he would be angrier since the Hunter had missed his mark and they had gotten the wrong demigod. Arrogance had got the better of the Hunter and he hadn't bothered to check if he had hit his mark.

I bought some apples for the pegasi and warped myself to the beach where Blackjack and Prokpie were waiting.

'Yo, Boss, you took an awful lot of time there. Did you get me Donuts?'

"I'm sorry Blackjack, but we kind of have an emergency and we need to leave as soon as possible. But, I got both of you some apples.

As soon as the pegasi were fed, we were in the air headed towards the Strait of Gibraltar.


We had been flying for almost 20 hours straight now and the Pegasi were tired, but I pushed them since we were almost to the strait.

As we approached the strait, the island of Hercules shimmered into view, just like the previous time.

The Pegasi landed on the beach and as if on a cue, Hercules emerged from wherever he was watching.

"Ha, another demigod that too so soon after that damned ship that sailed through to the Mare Nostrum. So, tell me, demigod, what brings you here?"

"Lord Hercules, I need to reach the river of Achelous. A friend of mine is in danger and so are the Olympians."

"Oh, and you thought Lord Hercules would be honored to aid the Olympians again," Hercules spat back. "To help the kin of demigods who betrayed me more than once? I remember you, Perseus Jackson, you led that ship The Argo II towards Athens. I remember your friend Piper McLean..."

"Enough Hercules," I interrupted him, anger taking over me. "I am not here to listen to your depressing past. I am entering your island by hook or by crook so piss off." Not great terminology right?

But what can I say, I have a knack for angering gods that are not really on my side.

"Then so be it," Hercules said as he unsheathed his sword.

"For a god, you really are a dumb one Hercules," I taunted him as I got into form with Sumarbrander in my hand. "A lot of things have changed since the last time you saw me."

Finally, Hercules lost his temper and charged at me. I stood patiently near the shore, allowing him to approach me.

Just as I am within his sword's reach, I control his blood, making him freeze in his place.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

"I told you, a lot has changed since we last met."

Not giving any more time for conversation, I summoned the water from the ocean and enchanted it to hold him down in his place while I walked deeper into the island, towards where I could feel the water.

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