He's using the Mist....

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As we walk up to the front of the Arena to face all the campers seated there, chattering aimlessly about stuff, I can hear my heart beating harder than a horse galloping. Being here a year ago like this was a piece of cake for me, but now it seems climbing a steep-sloped mountain without any gear or safety equipment. Any slip now would not be good for my mental health.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, so that my voice doesn't break, or I don't stutter.

"Campers! You have been wondering about the grave news we bear all evening. It is finally time to let the news spill. Your parents, the Olympians have been avoiding this call for too long. Before we arrived at the camp, I held a war council at the Olympian throne room, confronting your King, Lord Zeus...."

"Wait, go back. What the hell do you mean by your parents and your King? You guys are demigods too." Annabeth interrupted, standing from where she was sitting beside Clarisse.

"Once a child of wisdom, always nosey! Please sit and let us complete. Everything will fall into place once we complete, so just sit." Jason calmly tells her.

"Right, so as I was saying, I have confronted the Olympians, and now is the time. I would request the Oracle of Delphi to join us here."

As I was waiting for Rachel to come up on the stage, I saw Nico and Will exchange a knowing glance, their eyes widened as they turned back to the stage.

"Wait Chiron said about you revealing yourselves. Do you need Rachel for that? Will she reveal you?" Frank asked. It was a good thing that the praetors were here.

"What is important right now, is not who we are, but why are we here. Why is Percy here."

Percy looked at Rachel and gave her a short nod.

She closed her eyes and swooned. Two campers rushed forward and caught her, as if they had done this before. Of course they had. A third ran to the side of the amphitheater and grabbed a bronze three-legged stool, like they'd been trained for this duty. They eased Rachel onto the stool in front of the hearth. The night was illuminated by the fire, the green mist started swirling around Rachel's feet was changing colors due to the glow of the fire. When she opened her eyes, they were glowing. Emerald smoke issued from her mouth. The voice that came out was raspy and ancient—the sound a snake would make if it could talk:

Four shall return Home,

With the Praetors of New Rome.

The Sea raise the General, Destruction and Order,

As the Sky and the Hero lend their shoulder,

The Ocean becomes clear,

Death rages through Chaos' Fear.

Rachel's eyes opened, and for the first time after spouting a prophecy, her eyes remained glowing. The Emerald-green mist had turned to a light sky blue color. Her eyes were glowing with white light, and when she spoke her voice was not of Rachel, or the Oracles. It was a deep resonating voice that sounded like someone was speaking through jelly.

"Beware insufferable demigods. You have waited far too long, enough for me to gain power," Rachel turned to me this time.

"And you, puny mortal, Eye of the Universe, I will not let you thwart my plans. This time, Olympus will fall. I shall have my revenge on the gods for killing my beloved.....Noooo."

The last part came out as Rachels voice. The mist faded away and her eyes were back to normal. She glanced at me before her eyes rolled back and she fainted again. Luckily, Luke caught her before she could hit the ground.

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