Feelings and Possibilities

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After he left, nothing in camp has been the same anymore. Most of the campers are sulking around in horror of what they had done. What we had done.

 Agonizing screams rang throughout the Palace in Olympus. Tendrils of black lightning shot from the boys body, as he struggled to speak. All Olympians were still angry at the boy. Lady Hestia was still unconscious on her throne. The demigods were shocked as he broke the oath. As his soul was being ripped at the edge of the mortal and dead worlds. 

 "Brother, He is losing his life source." Hades finally stated. 

 "Silence! He shall continue!" Zeus thundered from his throne. 

 Being a child of Apollo, I could feel his consciousness slipping away. But he continued to speak, often interrupted by bursts of pain, that were inflicted on him by the curse of the Styx. I looked at the re-enraged faces of the gods, the unreadable expressions on each demigods face. The broken look on Annabeth's tear streaked face, as Perseus Jackson, Two time savior of Olympus, vanished without a spot.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Nico started ranting all of a sudden.

"No Will! It's my fault. I believed in Annabeth's lies. I stopped talking to him! I blamed him for Bianca's death. Again. I said it on his face too! I-I..." Words failed Nico, as he broke down crying on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in a hug.

"Shhhh. Nico. It was not you alone. We did it to him. Stop blaming yourself. The whole camp is in sorrow. Don't do this to yourself." I whispered in his ears.

"B-but, his f-face. That look of p-pain when I shouted at him.."He again broke down crying on my shoulders.I remained silent.The intensity of Nico's pain hit me.Even the beach has not been the same anymore.No one could step in the waters of Long Island Sound. If anyone would go near the beach, the water would retract into the ocean, leaving behind dry sand. Only Rachel was able to go through. Even the seven, minus Annabeth were able to step into the water.

"Will, I made Jay face the same fate as me. Losing an elder sibling. What makes it worst is that he is only five."

"And, to add to our worries, we have a third fricking prophecy on our hands. The campers are in shock and despair, how can we win without any traini...."I shut him up by kissing him square on the lips. I felt the salty taste of his tears.

"Calm downs Neeks, the prophecy is known by only the Olympians, Chiron, you and me. That too because I, we overheard Rachel. Plus, for all we know, this war wont happen for another 100 years!"

"The same thing was said when the Prophecy of the Seven was spoken! Why would they anyways need a son of Poseidon for the war. And why did Poseidon bless his brother and made him a part of all this bullshit! Why now? Why Will, why?"He had a point so I just remained silent. What if he is right?The eerie silence of at the beach was broken as light footsteps were heard.I turned around to see red-brown curly hair. Grover was back from the Wild.

"Oh! Hey, Grover." I greeted him.

"Hello Will. Umm, I have been wanting to ask something to Nico. I-it's about Percy." He whispered as he sat down next to Nico.

"Grover, can we postpone this please? Nico is not...."

"It's okay Will." Nico cut me off, while lifting his head from my shoulder.

"Hi, Grover. You were saying something."

"Umm, since you are a child of Hades, are you sure that Percy actually died?"

"Yes Grover, as much as I hate saying this, he can not be alive. He broke the most sacred oath. Why do you ask?"

"I might sound nuts saying this, but I have been getting strong emotional signals from the empathy link. What has me confused even more is that if the person opposite to this link would have died, either I should also have died, or at least the link would have been broken."

"Maybe it's just a coinciden....." Nico began, but suddenly, Grover hunched over in what looked like pain.I quickly got up to check upon him.

"What happened Grover?" I asked him as I turned him on so that he lay on his back.

"A-anger, pain, sadness, longing... empathy, now.....very st-strong." He managed to speak out before he collapsed, unconscious.I locked eyes with Nico, and we hauled him to the infirmary.After that, we quickly ran to the Big House to inform Chiron and ask him about this situation.As we opened to door to the Big House, we saw Chiron, in a deep discussion with Mr. D. As they noticed our presence, they beckoned us inside. Surprisingly, Mr. D had also changed a lot after Percy was gone.

"Well, come in Wally and Nicholas!" Dionysus beckoned us inside.

"Will and Nico Mr. D."

"Yes, children, what brings you here?" Chiron inquired.

"Chiron, by any means, is it possible that Percy is still alive?" I asked him.Mr. D chocked on the drink he was having and spluttered.

"I'm sorry my child, but what you are saying is practically and theoretically impossible. Once an oath on the Styx is broken, the persons soul departs from the world. I am sure Nico here agrees with me." Nico nodded silently at that.

"Chiron, Grover is getting overwhelming emotions that are coming from his empathy link. He came to us while we were at the beach and informed us of all this, when he again fell over in pain. He managed to tell us that he felt many emotions through his empathy link. We thought we might confront you since Mr. D is a member of the Cloven Council who is nearest, he might know what happened."All eyes turned to Mr. D who just shrugged.

"This has never happened before. In my entire career as a god, I haven't come across any situation like this. We might have to confront the Olympian Council, in the Presence of the Cloven Council. We might learn what happened."

At this, Nico's head hung low and we left the big house to the infirmary, to see how Grover was doing.

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