No More Chaos

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*Shoutout to college work for delaying my update schedule! So, thanks to it, I will update once every two weeks, and the book is, sadly, coming to an end...*



I couldn't pinpoint where exactly I could feel it, but the first thing I felt was pain. When I thought about it, I could feel it moving all over my body. It started near my toes and slowly traveled upwards, right to my head. My head was hurting, even more, thinking about it. My throat felt dry and I couldn't even manage to speak anything.

I knew I wasn't dead because I had technically already died once, and I was damn sure I wouldn't forget that sensation ever.

Mustering up all of the energy that I felt still in my body, I tried to sit up. Fortunately, I was able to sit up. Unfortunately, my body couldn't sustain the action resulting me in tumbling down onto a hard surface that I assumed was the ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Percy!" A male voice floated but no one was in sight. Instead, I felt hands gently lift me and guide me back onto a softer, more comfortable surface.

It was then that I realized the soft music had stopped, making the chaos in my head even stronger.

I felt something being pushed into my mouth and the taste of mom's homemade blue chocolate chip cookies filled my senses. Ambrosia. Followed by a sip of nectar.

Immediately, I felt better and my eyesight focused again. I saw Apollo kneeling down beside me holding a flask of nectar and some squares of Ambrosia.

"Anna-beth, Bla-Blackjack." I croaked out while trying to get into a sitting position, worried about their wellbeing.

"They're here Percy, they're safe, don't worry, just lie back down," Apollo said, forcing me in a laying position and laying his palm on my forehead.

I started to feel dizzy and gave in to the soothing feeling of sleep.


Percy was perched on the edge of the roof of the Empire State Building. Above him, he could see the beautiful lights that adorned the Courtyard of Olympus. The sight immaculately fit the words: Heaven above, Hell down below. Spread out for miles around him was the city of Manhattan, in all its glory. It felt like he had an eagle's eyesight. Even from so far up, he could clearly make out the scene below him, and the scene that was playing out chilled his blood to the core.

A small army comprising of Dracaene, Maenads, and Telekhines were heading towards Long Island Sound. Percy was certain they wouldn't dare attack Olympus. Then, something in his vision shifted and he was standing right in the path of the army. He saw Perses The Titan of Destruction leading the miniature army, and just two steps behind him was Percy's favorite creature: The Minotaur.

Perses was clad in ancient Greek styled Celestial Bronze armor and was loaded with weapons from head to toe. Percy saw the hilt of twin blades jutting out from behind his back. The arc of the shield that covered his back. He saw the battle-ax hanging from his waist and the sheathed hunting knives that were fastened to the belt around his torso. His yellow eyes gleamed with unrivaled pride and they craved destruction.

"Fear not Perseus Jackson," he said, looking me in the eye. "Your friends are finally going to be free of all their duties, and then, we come for you."

The scene shifted again and I was in the Olympian throne room.

"Lord Zeus, we must stop this madness now. In the billions of years that we have existed, this is the first time the Mist has stopped working," Hestia was saying from her regular place by the hearth.

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