Hope is best at the Hearth

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A/N: Hades and Hestia have been given thrones on Olympus. Hades' throne was a request from Jason. Hestia's, from Percy. Apollo is still a mortal. All campers had partial immortality like the hunters of Artemis so they could never age.

3rd POV


The Son of Poseidon stared at the God, delusional as to why the God of Messengers was here, glowering down at him with so much hate and disgust. Without a word, he placed a hand on the boys shoulder and flashed away. Thankfully, the boy had understood and closed his eyes just before they flashed. The boy opened his eyes to see 13 Olympians, silent. If he wasn't present there at that moment, he wouldn't have believed that the Throne room on Olympus was dead silent.

"My Lord." Hermes stated as he went back to his throne.

All at once, the heartbroken boy felt 11 pairs of eyes gazing him with a variety of emotions. But among all of them Anger was the most evident. Then he felt something warm blossoming in his heart, keeping it at ease. He turned to look at Hestia, who just smiled sadly, sitting in her usual place by the hearth, and not on her throne. He looked at his dad, who was staring back at him with confusion.

"We have assembled here to discuss two matters of utmost importance." The king of the Gods then turned to the poor boy who had no idea what was going on.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson. Where is my Daughter?" Zeus thundered.

"Sorry, Lord Zeus, but I think you got it wrong, because Thalia must be with the Hunters of Lady Artemis."

"Not my mortal daughter. Where is Athena?"The boy looked around and realization dawned upon him. The Missing Olympian was the Goddess of Wisdom.

"Apologies, Lord Zeus, why would I know where Lady Athena is? Also, I have one question. Why am I being blamed for a missing Goddess?"

"That is because, at her temple, we found something. Apollo, could you please." Hera said.

Apollo raised his arm, palm facing outwards, and a scroll of some sort appeared in his hand. 

           Dear Uncle Zeus, 

           If you care for your daughter, turn down the throne of Olympus. Hear, the Olympian                           Council, If your King does not oblige with my request. You will soon start losing Gods. Give               up you Power and you will be spared. Refuse, and you will fade. And do not take this threat             lightly. I own the Ring Of Immortality. 

             Your favorite Nephew,

              P.J. (Insert Trident mark here!!)

At this, Poseidon's confused stare hardened into an unflinching gaze. His Trident appeared in his hand and it was aimed directly at his son. It was only lowered because Zeus stopped him.

"Perseus Jackson, for treason against Olympus and abduction of a Goddess, you shall be fairly judged by the Olympian council in front of the Head cabin councilors, Lieutenant of the Hunt and Roman Praetors. Hermes, please summon the requested people. Council, head to your thrones."

Hestia hesitantly went to her throne as Hermes flashed out.The accused started to speak but the Goddess of the Hunt shut him up.

No comments, boy. We will hear you only at the trial.

"With a bright flash, Hermes appeared with all the requested demigods.

"Heroes, assemble by you parents' or patron's thrones. Head of Cabin six, stand by Hestia."All the demigods turned towards the center of the throne room, the Child of the Prophecy stood, with broken eyes.

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