Easing the tension

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 * P.S: If you guys haven't read the trials of apollo yet, there are some points that I need to clarify:

!!Spoiler Alert!!

Reyna gave up her Praetor position and joined the hunters in book 4.

Hazel took her place as Praetor.

Leo and Calypso were back at camp. 

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I forgot to dedicate lol*



Camp training had been going on in full force since Percy left. The Hunters of Artemis had divided themselves and were helping wherever they could.

The Apollo cabin and the Hunters were training demigods for Archery along with Chiron. Luke had undertaken sword training and physical combat along with Clarisse.

Some of the Hunters were helping the Hephaestus cabin to build weaponry and set up camp defenses.

Frank and Hazel had returned to camp Jupiter to help undertake their leadership again.

Reyna and I were training demigods to control their godly powers.

Surprisingly, Nico was still at camp helping out wherever necessary.

The Aphrodite Cabin along with Tyson and his Cyclopes had taken the responsibility of designing armors.

Grover and the nature spirits were gathering the forces of nature to aid them in the war.

Overall, the camp was in a good situation, yet I couldn't help but worry. We had almost zero intel on the forces of the enemy. Not to mention the fourth leader who was still unknown to us.

Leo and Calypso had promised to return, but they had decided on searching for any hostile movements around the country. Unfortunately, they had found nothing suspicious yet.

Even though everything was going planned, the fear of facing an unknown enemy was clearly present in the atmosphere. The campers were tense almost all the time and were not able to focus on the tasks they were performing, making training time a huge mess. More than it should have been.

And that was what was happening right now. The group of demigods who were training with us were too tense and weren't able to focus on what they were doing.

"No, Myra, you are not able to concentrate," Reyna's voice boomed through the beach. "Without you being able to focus nothing is going to happen, it will never work."

Myra was a daughter of Demeter, who was currently trying to grow some vines using the seeds Reyna had thrown all across the shore.

"Well maybe if you stopped screaming right behind my ear, I would be able to concentrate a lot more!"

Hmm, feisty.

"Guys!" I intervened before Reyna beheaded her. "I think we should take a break. Guys, dismissed, we will continue after lunch."

Everyone scurried off the beach as quickly as they could.

"Reyna, let's take a walk."

The two of us strode along the shoreline in our bare feet, the waves caressing our feet ever so often.

"Reyna, I seriously think the campers need some break. All of them are tense and we just can't continue like this. At this rate, none of them will be ready to face the war."

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