Luke? Nah, Cupid sounds better

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After concluding the war council, Percy pulled me aside towards the stables. He had already called Blackjack out and now the black horse stood beside Percy, giving me a strange hostile look.

"Perce, I think your horse still doesn't like me..."

"Nah, Blackjack and I already established that you were not evil," Percy is interrupted by Blackjack's whine. "Or at least aren't evil now."

Blackjack suddenly reared up, due which I stepped back and tripped, falling onto my butt.

Percy burst out laughing and playfully glared at Blackjack while stroking his muzzle.

Blackjack looked at me and neighed making Percy laugh even harder.

"Why does it feel like two best friends insulting the third one?" I mumble while getting up.

"I don't know if I am laughing at your expression or at the fact that Blackjack just called you a scaredy-cat!"

I swiftly got up and dusted my pants, saving myself from further embarrassment.

"You were going to say something important, or just brought me here to make fun of me?"

"About that," Percy stopped laughing and looked at me in the eye. "I actually wanted to discuss something about me returning." He paused again and took a deep breath. "I know you will try to convince me otherwise, but please let me complete what I have to say.

"In case I don't return, please make sure that the campers and gods know who I was. Make sure they know I forgave them. Tell them I loved each and every one of them. If I am not able to bring Jay back, tell Poseidon I am sorry that I failed him...again. Please go home and tell mom that I am sorry..."

"No Percy," I intervened sternly. "I am not going to say anything of that sort to anyone. If someone can go into the Mare Nostrum and return alive, it's you. You have defeated the titans single-handedly. You have had a bath in the Styx and defeated Hades' army alone. You traveled through Tartarus and faces the God of the Pit. Just to protect your friends. Now you have so much more at stake. I have seen the determination in your eyes. You are coming back. Period."

"This isn't about me Luke, this isn't about you either. This is about each and every demigod that has ever lived. This is about the Golden Age. The last time I survived against a Titan was because I had friends supporting me. I defeated Hades' army because Nico was there. I faced, and survived, Tartarus because Annabeth was with me. I came out of the Giant War because of each and every member of Argo II. This time, I have to face them alone, not only for me or Jay. I have to do this for Lord Chaos, for the young demigods, and for family."

Before I could speak again, he put a hand on my shoulder, looking me right in the eye. I knew I had to stop there. Once Percy is determined about something, it's not possible to convince him otherwise. He may be a Leo but is even more adamant than a Taurus.

I sighed. I looked at my feet to collect myself. I needed to be strong for Percy.

"Okay, but," I paused dramatically and sported a cheeky grin. "Should be the one to tell Jason or would you come back to tell him that you like him?" I said and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

As expected, Percy instantly started looking all around me. Anywhere but in my eyes. It was fun seeing him all flustered.

Finally, after a really long and awkward silence, he started to defend himself but I had gotten the reaction from him.

"I-uh... w-what?? I don't know what you're saying, Luke..." He finally trailed off, looking at his feet.

Apparently, the evil horse understood the conversation and started playfully nudging Percy with his snout, making me grin even wider.

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