Confrontations - I

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*Okay, so I haven't been to The Pantheon, and so whatever I am mentioning in this chapter is based on my imagination and some google Images, so please bear with me*

Also, Dedicated to @OwenBurke0 for making me laugh lol!



This is it.

I thought as we flew into the terrifyingly familiar landscape of the Greek city of Athens. This time, the eternal King of Athens wasn't here to receive us. This time, we didn't have any advantages. We knew nothing of what awaited us in the Parthenon. But both of us knew one thing: We needed to go in and face it. The future of the world depended on it and unfortunately, our fate did as well.

Percy had decided that it was a better idea to try to get an aerial surveillance of the temple.

Another thing that was troubling me was Percy. There was something wrong with him. He seemed different, and most shockingly, I had a feeling that I had known him way before he became the heir to Lord Chaos. He was trying to hide something from me, I could read that in his eyes whenever he talked to me.

On the Island of Delos, Artemis had warned me about this. She knew Percy was going to be different and she also had said something about being disconnected from the world. I hope that didn't mean what I thought it meant.

Flying over the city meant we were at a higher risk of being spotted, however, Percy wouldn't listen to me. As we rounded back towards the Pantheon, a flash of light caught my eye.

Peering down, I tried to view through the hole in the dome of the Pantheon, but it was to no avail. I looked towards Percy, but he was deep in concentration, looking down at the Pantheon.

"Annabeth," he finally said after a minute of silence. "I can sense... water in there. Lots of it. Even though we were not able to see any monsters around the area, I could feel them."

"So, whatever ritual they are performing, they're doing it in there."

"It makes complete sense, doesn't it? The Pantheon is the one structure in Greece that has shrined to all Olympians. If Oceanus wants to complete the ritual, he will require a lot of vis and he can use the statues of the gods to harvest it. He knows the Olympians won't interfere unless and until they are challenged directly."

"I suggest that we land a bit away from the Pantheon and get into the Pantheon using stealth."

"No, I don't want to risk getting caught beforehand. We are the only chance that Jay has, and I don't want to jeopardize his safety."

"What are you planning?"

"Greece is an island, so I can summon a spring of water to break our fall and land on the ground safely."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Percy, last time we were here, Perseus wasn't able to do more than a sprinkle of some water."

"Last time this sacred land was tainted by Gaea. This time, the Olympians are watching over us. I can feel it."

This was one more thing that was bugging me. Percy would sprout events that took place during the Prophecy of the Seven with one hundred percent accuracy and then he would just say that it was Jason who described it to him.

This time, I knew I had caught him. Jason wasn't present when Perseus had tried to summon water to aid him. Jason wasn't there when Poryphirion had informed us about the tainted land, and I was pretty damn sure Piper hadn't had the time to tell him either.

My suspicion was already becoming stronger and Percy was doing nothing to make me think anything else. This was Perseus, and even if I knew it in my bones, and yet I couldn't face it. Couldn't face him.

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