Breaking Rules

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*Remember Nathan is Jason, Ace is Luke, and Percy is Percy. I will only use these names in this chapter. Just because they are having loud conversations in the mess hall, they are using their alias*



"P-Percy?" A feminine voice called out, making me panic. I was sure I had not let go of my fake appearance. I checked once again and relaxed.

"Why am I surprised that the Oracle of Delphi knows my name?" I replied calmly.

"Why would I not know you Percy?" The Red-Headed Nightmare herself came into light.

Rachel had not changed a bit. Her wavy red hair was as disheveled as ever. Her bright green eyes shone in the light.

"Since that wretched day I am having weird visions, all of them about you returning." She continued.

"How can I return if I was never here?"

She walked up to me and poked my chest.

"Percy please. I know you are trying hard to hide from us, even though I don't blame you, it hurts. I can tell you are using the mist, because of the grayish glow around you. I want to hear it from you Percy. Tell me its you." She looked down.

Then it struck me as hard as lightning. Rachel was the Delphic Oracle, a mortal blessed by Apollo. Of course she can see through my appearance.

I heaved out a long sigh.

"Yes Rachel, I was Perseus Jackson once. The Percy Jackson you are looking for is long dead. I am Percy Jackson, Heir of Chaos, Eye of the universe. I have come to this camp only to save the innocent mortals, and mostly because apparently Chaos is in danger. I am not here to be all hearty touchy reunions with loads of melodrama. So let's talk business." I reply angrily.

Her eyes rose from the ground and she saw right into my eyes.

"Yes, you are right. You are not Perseus Jackson. You can't be. Our Percy was loyal to his friends, caring and courageous. Not an arrogant arse that hides behind magic just so no one can see through his cold façade. So yeah, let's talk business and get over with this." She snaps with equally matched anger, making me feel bad.

"Look, Rachel, I'm sorry for snapping at you, but I'm not ready to face all of them yet. Only Apollo, Hestia, Jay, mum, and now you know."

"Percy, I understand, but this is not how you were. We miss you Percy. The whole camp is drowned in sorrow and guilt...."

"Save it, Rachel, I don't want to talk about it now, please. I'm here to discuss more pressing matters, so it would be better if we talk about it."

"Okay, what about?"

"The Prophecy. And the War."

~Time Skippy~

As we were all staying in the Poseidon cabin, it was but natural for us to be seated at the Poseidon table. Despite this, all the campers were giving us cold looks, yet no one bothered to disturb us, since the Clarisse incident was hot news and spread around the camp in barely 20 minutes.

I felt a pair of stormy grey eyes on us and out of the corner of my eye, I say princess blonde curls walk towards us. I tensed up, but Luke quickly placed his hand on my shoulder.

Annabeth slammed her palms on the table, glaring at me angrily, but me being me, didn't give a shit.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Barging into this camp and acting like some mighty God. Insulting one of our finest warriors and then breaking the most respected law of the camp by sitting at this very table."

I was going to sass her out, but Jason beat me to it.

"Umm, correct me if I'm wrong but I think, the campers sit at the table of the cabin they're staying in?" he replied calmly.

"That rule only applies to other cabins. This table is an exception and I will not have anyone breaking laws."

All this screaming was making me sick, so I decided to interject.

"Wisdom spawn, why don't you let us peacefully have our dinner right now, unless you want to be the next "finest warrior in this camp"?" I retorted, earning a hearty laugh from Luke. "As for who we are, you all are about to find out soon. So you better go and sit at your table."

Thankfully, Chiron chose that moment to thump his hooves, making everyone go quiet, and making Annabeth walk back to her siblings.

"Campers, as you all have noticed, we were graced by three new campers today. As per their unusual requests, they will introduce themselves at the campfire tonight. They also bring grave news for the camps, so prepare yourselves."

Imm ediately, the mess hall erupted in murmurs with everyone, no doubt, talking about three new demigods bearing vital information.

We quickly got up to burn offerings. I scraped some food and prayed to the fates themselves to help us in this war. To help the Gods and Chaos. To give me the strength to survive.

Unlike my days at the camp, I had bacon and orange-colored orange juice.

"Hmm, I am jealous that Nico wasn't thrown across the camp into the lake," Luke says while nudging me.

I turn to face him and he forces a look of hurt on his face.

"Stop being the child you are Ace, if that happened, Nico would have been on The Other Side already."

"Ooooooooo, Perce still cares for little The Ghost King. So much for drama!" Jason joins in.

"Ohh Nathan, I think Percy here might finally be crushing back on Nico," Luke snickers.

"Alas, 'You're not my type.'" Jason mimicks Nico.

I kick Jasonon his shin from under the table, causing him to yelp, causing Luke to chuckle.

"Hmm, Nate, don't you think Ace here is having a bit too much fun?" I sass.

As Luke is about to drink from his goblet, Jason summons a gust of wind, making him spill all his juice, soaking his shirt.

"Hmm, seems Ace here is having wet dreams!"

Our repartee is stopped by a quiet voice coming from behind us.

"Umm, sorry to interrupt P-Percy, but could I talk to you...about this evening." We all turn around to see Nico and Will standing a few feet away from the table. I start to panic again. What if he knows?

Luke looks at me and thankfully answers for me, "Please sit Nico, stranger." Luke tells Nico and Will.

They do as told, sitting opposite to me.

Will puts an arm around Nico's shoulder, maybe to support him.

"I-I wanted to apologize. I thought you were some-someone else. Someone I pushed away..." His voice fails him as he looks down, and my breath hitches.

"Actually, we lost someone very close to all of us just a year ago and coincidentally, you have the exact name of him. Nico acted like that because he blames himself for Percy's.... departure," Will slowly explains.

"I-It's okay. I understand the loss of someone close."

With that they get up and leave. After about twenty more minutes, it's time for the final revelation. Everyone leaves the mess hall and begins to assemble at the arena for the campfire, still talking about the grave news.

The three of us are still mentally preparing ourselves to face the campers.

Luke is still terrified of what the campers' reaction will be. Jason is handling it with much more cool than us.

"Luke, it's going to be fine. You died a hero, and we all accepted you, but if you still feel uncomfortable, you can postpone your disclosure to later, or you may reveal yourself to someone you trust." I try to calm Luke down. Oh the irony.

"N-No it's fine, I'll reveal myself, but Jason goes first. We need them to trust us." Luke finally says after taking about 10 deep breaths.

We get up from the mess hall and make our way towards the arena, where the camp and the oracle is seated currently.

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