War Council

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*Yo guys, so my typing speed has drastically decreased. University timings are from 9 to 5 and after that I am so exhausted, I cant even look at my laptop screen, let alone type chapters. I still have some chapters in store, but I really really need to work faster*

Thank you @Audionic and @Pastrique for the constant support and love to all the readers out there!



Today was going to be a hectic day for me. Since Percy would be going to meet up with the Olympians, and Jason wasn't here, I have indirectly become the training instructor and I would have to direct all groups, all day long.

I know, I know. I had done that during my time with Kronos and all that, but that was ages ago. You can't expect much from an old dead man now, can you?

I was still stressed about what Jason had told me about not being able to contact Percy. I didn't get the chance to speak to him about it. Every time I tried, he brushed it off, saying he was busy, which I found strange. He had never acted in such a way. I smelled something fishy(I just LOVE punning! If you get it!).

I quickly made my way to the Arena. Today the campers would be dueling, with the trainers overlooking them. I took my place between Thalia and Nico as the first campers got ready to duel.

Since the training began, they were getting better at it, but still, they were nowhere near ready to face a challenge so big that it got Chaos involved.

Every once in a while, some camper would assume an incorrect stance or would swing the weapon of choice with unbalanced power in the strike.

Whenever this happened, either of the trainers would point out the mistake and then give them some advice or just perform it for better understanding.

It took all morning to complete our first training session, and we decided to give the campers a rest. Some of the campers instantly fled, in fear of me changing my mind about the break (What? That was once!).

Just as I was about to leave the Arena, a glow in the center announced the arrival of a god. Instinctively, I averted my gaze, and, hopefully, so did the other campers.

I was confused upon seeing Hermes carrying an unconscious camper. Since when did the Gods care so much for demigods to personally bring them to safety?

I approached him and kneeled.

"Da...Lord Hermes, to what do we owe this pleasure?"

"Quit the formalities Ace! Annabeth is unconscious. Please take her to the infirmary to rest. Some...strange events have occurred, and the Olympian council is discussing matters involving the safety of both camps. Percy will soon be back and explain what is going on, but for now, I need to head back."

Without wasting any more time, I took Annabeth from him.

Looking at her so closely after such a long time, I was plunged into memories. Back when we were just kids and Thalia and I had taken Annabeth under our wing. I remembered how Annabeth had conjured up feelings for me. Wow, those days were beautiful.

Even unconscious, her face had those annoying lines of worry that she had when she was thinking.

I quickly led her to the camp infirmary where I was instantly approached by Kyla. She led me to the nearest vacant bed and I placed Annabeth there.

After telling Kyla about the situation I retired to the Poseidon cabin, where I started to mind message Jason and explained to him everything that happened. He was still worried about Percy not responding.

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