Looming Threats

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So, for like 4 months I forgot The Trials of Apollo Book 5 was released and just finished it before starting this chapter, and I must say, Uncle Rick has outdone himself, and I do smell another series led by Will and our emo bo Neeks. What do y'all think?



Practice at camp was going even better after we brought into consideration Jason's idea. The tense atmosphere has decreased and all the campers are doing really great. We have continued our weekly activities and it feels refreshing to be a part of camp again.

However, I can't stop the feeling in my gut that something is going to go horribly wrong. I know that Oceanus won't attack until Atlas has his full power. I know that the training going on will be enough to save both camps, and yet this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach won't go away.

"Luke!" Jason's hand clamped firmly on my shoulder, pulling me out of my reverie. "Bro, you've been zoning out quite a lot since Percy left. What's up?"

"Nothing, just worried about the looming threat," I replied, idly. "Just, I've never been on the "better" side of a war. The last time I was a part of a prophecy was when I went against my home. Against my family."

"Bro, the past is in the past. Don't let it scare you away from the present."

"I have realized that leaving the past behind is the only solution to move ahead. I knew it when I died. However, it still haunts my conscience. I made a horrible mistake and it only led to destruction."

"I know Luke, but know this one thing. Three old ladies are sitting somewhere up there, literally weaving sweaters of someone's life. They weaved your past and they will weave your future. But how you wear the sweater depends upon you. No one can stop you from doing what you want to do."

"I wish it were that easy Jace. For so long now, I have tried to forgive myself for what I did, for so long I have tried to forget. You say I have a choice for doing what I want to do, but what if I am not strong enough to make a choice. What if I make a wrong choice, what if my choice dooms Olympus again? Not only Olympus. This time I would endanger both the camps thousands of demigods, friends, family. Mortals and immortals alike. I am not strong enough Jason, I am not strong enough."

My voice had lowered down to a whisper by the end of my rant and I could feel the emotions raging on behind my closed eyelashes.

"Wow, I've heard so much about the bravery of the famous Luke Castellan, but I never knew he was such a loser!" A feminine voice sounded out. "I think being a former Roman Praetor I expected too much of Graecus Scum."

A smile graced my lips at the nasty remark.

"Way to make a guy feel special RA-RA."

"Call me that again and I promise I'll shoot you where Apollo doesn't shine. And trust me, being a Hunter, it is way easier. Artemis once shot your father, and trust me, history does repeat itself."

Jason was barely able to contain his laughter after that. And so were the both of us.

"Common dude, stop self-deprecating yourself. You saved the world by sacrificing yourself. The camps see you as a hero and so do we, so chillax and let's go have lunch."

"Reyna, never say that word again please."

"What Chillax?"

"Well yeah!"

However, Luke was right. A grave danger is lurking ahead. Something is going to go horribly wrong, and it had all begun.

After lunch, the campers had 2 hours to relax before their training began again, and so naturally, Luke and Jason were just hanging out in their cabin when a knock sounded at the door.

"I'll go get it!"

After a minute or so, Jason entered with Rachel Elizabeth Dare walking behind him.

"Jason, I haven't had such confusing visions since the Second Titan War and I have a really bad feeling something's gonna happen."

My stomach churned and I felt like puking.

"Rachel, what is it?" I dreaded the answer much more than I dreaded the feeling in my gut.

"For the past two days, I have been having these random flashes at night. Sometimes I would see Percy and Annabeth dying at the hands of someone dressed in a Hunter's clothing. But, I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that the Hunter looks like a male to me."

"Did you talk to Reyna or Thalia about this?" Jason inquired.

"Yes, but both of them didn't believe me because the only Male Hunter to ever live is long dead."

"Is there something else you're having visions about?" I asked, already knowing it was a yes.

"I've been seeing this... small group of monsters I can say, lead by a looming figure. I can't see its face but I can definitely say it's one of the Titans. They are headed towards camp and I have a feeling the prophecy is going to fulfill itself soon."

"Have you told this to anyone else yet?"

"No, I thought it would be best to tell you guys first."

"Good," Jason decided. "Luke, gather all council members and camp leaders. I'll inform Chiron and Mr. D about this with Rachel."


*POV Change*

"My Lord," Actaeon bowed before his 'ally'. "I bring news of my quest to stop the demigod."

Everything in the room freezes and everyone's attention is rapidly drawn to the scene unfolding at the center of the room. The Lord, Oceanus, straightens in his throne. Actaeon rises from his kneeling position.

"Unfortunately, the demigod and his sidekick escaped-"

"What sacrilege is this Hunter," Actaeon was interrupted by Perses. "You had one job, alas the most significant one, and I cannot believe you failed-"

"Silence!" Oceanus' voice bellowed through the room, shaking the pillars in the room. "Actaeon, Hunter, I have allowed too many mistakes of yours to be forgiven. If you can't kill the demigod, you are no longer required or are of any use to me. Perses, have your way with him. Dismissed!"

"B-But, my Lord-"


Before Perses could bind Actaeon and take him away, Themis interrupted the proceedings.

"Halt Perses," Themis ordered before turning back to face Oceanus. "Brother, perhaps it would be in your interest to listen to what Actaeon has to say."

Even though her tone was calm, it was decisive. Oceanus pondered over the proposition before finally giving in.

"Very well, I trust your judgment Themis."

Actaeon was pleased with this decision. Perses, not so much.

"Hunter, choose your next words very wisely, this might be the last chance you have at your redemption."

"My Lord, Even though I failed to kill the demigod, the ritual has begun."

No one noticed the small smile that crept up on Oceanus' face.

"When the demigod rescued the girl, an arrow had already grazed her forearm and demigod blood had watered the stones."

"Seems like you haven't failed Hunter. Yet. You shall lead another expedition to Ancient Greece where the demigod's brother is held. You will see to it that there are no more interruptions and Atlas has been freed from his punishment."

"Oceanus!" Perses couldn't hold it anymore. "Actaeon has failed you before, he will fail you again. Let me lead this expedition, my Lord. It will be beneficial for our cause."

Oceanus' lips curved into a thin, cruel smile.

"Let him be Perses. I have a surprise planned for our beloved heroes. And you, Perses, will be the one to deliver it to them."

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