Campers Alert

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Everything was going smoothly at camp. Chiron was back and all activities were back in order, and Mr. D had become even more tolerable.

The keyword in these statements: 'was'

Luke was becoming increasingly more jittery, and the fact that Mr. D was suddenly called back to Olympus did not help our case.

We resumed our training with all the campers but were interrupted by a very shaken up Nico, who looked like he had run all the way from the cabins to the Arena in his post-sleep state.

"Jason, Luke, Percy, dream, dead, attack, mortals..." Nico attempted to explain in haste, but I could barely make out a few words due to his gasping for air.

"Relax, Nico, catch your breath and explain again," by then, Clarisse, Luke, and Nyssa had formed a ring around Nico, and were waiting intently for him to continue.

"It was Percy, like your Percy, the Chaos guy," Nico started once he had inhaled several long breaths. "Just visited me when I was asleep, mentioned something about Perses and the Minotaur leading an army to attack the camp. He has asked us to be ready by dawn tomorrow."

"Damnit, I knew something was going to go wrong!" Luke exclaimed.

Luke was giving into panic too soon.

"Luke, I need to talk to you, Clarisse, please inform Chiron about this situation. Nyssa, gather all campers at the pavilion, please."

They all walked away to do the tasks as we began walking towards the pavilion.

"Luke, have you like felt a little bit... disconnected, I would say?"

"You felt it too? I thought I was being paranoid, but yeah, I've felt it too, like for the past 2 days."

"Yeah, previously I thought that something had happened to Percy, because, you know, we all are connected by the power of Chaos, but now that I know Percy is safe, I don't know what to think."

"Hmm, could it be that... No, that can't be, forget it."

"Luke, what are you thinking, tell me."

"It's nothing, just a random thought came into my mind, don't worry."

And before I could worry, Luke barged into the pavilion and went straight to the front of the hall where Chiron stood with all the head councilors.

Nico was fidgeting with the silver skull ring he had worn on his finger, while Clarisse and Reyna were intensely discussing something.

The pavilion was filled and there were a lot of murmurs and whispering. As I walked towards Chiron and the group, I caught some of the words that were exchanged, and none of them were positive.

Well, that might have been because I didn't pass the Ares table.

As soon as I joined the group at Luke's side, I gave him an 'our conversation is not yet over look', and motioned Chiron to proceed. Chiron banged his hooves onto the floor and an eerier silence took over the entire hall, with hundreds of expectant eyes on us.

"Our friend Nico here," Chiron started and Nico stepped forward. " Has a very crucial announcement to make. Go on Nico."

"Hello guys, you all must be wondering why we all are collected here." Nico started with a wave... talk about awkward.

"Well, I was asleep a few minutes ago and Percy Jackson, well the Chaos guy not actually Percy Jackson, came into my dream and warned me about an attack on the camp, and if him being Chaos' heir means anything, I am sure that we are going to be under attack by dawn tomorrow."

"Thank you, Nico, I'll take over from here." I save Nico from any further embarrassment.

"Campers, tomorrow is the day everything will fall into place. All your training will be tested. We already knew this was going to come and so, the cabin councilors and Chiron have been discussing strategies. Once I am done, your head councilors will give you further instructions on what every one of you is supposed to do."

I looked towards all the councilors and motioned them to continue towards their respective cabin tables.

Once everyone was settled and had started explaining their strategy, I turned towards Chiron, Luke, and Nico.

"Chiron, I want all of the kids under the age of 7 inside the big house. Either Luke or I will always be guarding the Big House while one of us will rush to aid wherever we are most required. Nico, you will be doing the same thing, you are one of the most experienced campers, I want you to take the front line along with Clarisse and the others. The hunters are here to aid us and Thalia has already instructed them about what has to be done."

"Jason, shouldn't we also inform Camp Jupiter in case there's another militia heading there?"

"Good plan, I will iris message Frank and Hazel and ask them to be ready."


By nightfall, everyone was aware of the attack and ready. All the senior campers had decided to stay awake just in case they reach earlier. I just hoped that Percy would come back soon, he is an important asset in this war.


Yes, I am still Alive!!!

So I have received a few DMs asking me if I have abandoned this book, and the answer is no, I haven't abandoned this book and have no intention of doing so. I haven't had the time to update since college work, projects and an internship is killing me and we have our midsemester exams currently, so I will be more likely gone for another 2 weeks or so but don't worry, once everything has eased down, I will update more often, and sorry for the short chapter, enjoy!!

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