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Helloooo wattpaders! I am so sorry for slacking away for s many days. I had some uni stuff to handle and I wasn't able to comprehend what to write. Buuuuut, now I'm back, hopefully, to my regular updating schedule.

Wish me luck my finals begin from the 15th 😢

So, here we go:




As we enter the Poseidon cabin, Luke grabs my elbow, making me face towards him. He looks like the dog whose tail got stepped on.

"Luke....?" I trail off, not sure what to say anymore.

"I'm sorry, Percy. I really am sorry." Luke mumbles quietly so that only I can hear.


"For being a coward at the campfire. I know how important it was to reveal myself to the campers tonight, but, I can't. After what I did then, I deserve no forgiveness. Yet, here I am. They will surely kill me when they know who I am. They will assume that I am still working for this stupid threat, that I am here to destroy you all and because you all are with me, they will think we are all spies. Oh no, no, I-I have to leave. I can't stay here, the Gods will mmmm...."

I clamped his lips shut using my powers, as his eyes widened. He was scared. Much more than during the Titan War. He had been shaken to the core. I simply stepped forward and hugged him tight. He froze for a minute, before melting into the hug and sighed, loudly.

"I was rambling, wasn't I?" He asks, making me chuckle.

"Hey! No group hugs without me!" Jason shrieks and jumps onto us, making all three of us crash into the floor, laughing. All our worries had been forgotten, if only for that short moment. But short moments are what make the best memories right?

Do I dare disturb the stars and infinite wonder of life? Do I dare question the power of joy? It's magic and majesty?


I dare not.

I leave it to engulf me whole. And I'll close my eyes and drown in its entirety and infinity.

In short, I am going to go to sleep!

~Time Skippy~

"Percy! Wake up!"

"ugh! Five more minutes mom please."


I woke up recklessly, almost bumping me head in a haystack. Wait? Haystack? I rubbed my eyes and I realized that the haystack was Jason's blonde hair in my face, with Luke smirking behind him

"Jasonnnnn," I whined, "what have I told you about not threatening me in the name of blue cookies?"

"Well, Mr. Sleepyhead, its currently, " Luke pauses to check his imaginary wristwatch, " 8:50 am, so you have around 10 minutes to get to the war council that you called."

Not wasting time replying, I jumped up from bed to get refreshed and sprinted towards the bathrooms, earning weird stares from the campers.

Shit! I am 20 minutes late already. I hope Jason and Luke have begun the meeting. I think as I am sprinting towards the Big House.

"-Heir of Chaos?" I hear a girl saying as I enter the rec room, panting due to the long run.

"Present ma'am!" I replied cheekily, earning grins from Luke and Jason, while the others just stared at me awkwardly.

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