Fatal Flaw

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I awoke to a loud banging noise. I grunted as I woke up and opened the cabin door. I saw Annabeth standing there with the same look that she had when I fought her in my first Capture the Flag match.

"Hello Wise Girl" I said, still drowsy.

"You have some explaining to do don't you Perseus?" That woke me up pretty quickly. She always calls me Seaweed Brain or Percy even if the situation is very bad. She has never used my full name from after my first day at camp.

"Well, its better if you come inside, this is gonna take long." I dryly state and she stomps inside."Can you please tell me what I should explain?"

"The fact that you lied to me a week ago!" She says, raising her voice."Okay, I am really sorry about that, but there is a reason behind it. Please, listen to me." I waited but when she didn't say anything I continued.

"Wherever I went and whoever called me there made me swear an oath on the Styx that I do not disclose any information to anyone in the camp, including you. Also, there is another thing. You will be seeing me in camp very less now for the next month." I disclose the news to her. 

She just stands up and walks away, without looking back or saying a word. It hurt like hell. Not pysically, but mentally and emotionally. Now I realized why Athena said "Your Fatal Flaw will kill you."I freshened up and took the pin Athena had given me and thought about being in her forge.

 Once there, I started my work.The next 21 days were a serious torture. With my ADHD and Dyslexia, peeling the Apple of Immortality alone took me about 4 hours. Then I began with the infusion process, just as Lady Athena had told me. Every day, I would come to the forge and tend to the cauldron of Hestia's fire and at the same time look after the ring.At the camp, I would see less and less of Annabeth everyday. It pained me a lot but I had to finish this quest to marry her.



Thinking about Percy, I recalled all the times he had told me he was going away for a few days, or a week. When I asked for an explanation, he had merely smiled and told me he would return as soon as he could.As the trips grew more and more frequent, I had started to become suspicious. Where was Percy going? And why wouldn't he tell me anything? What was with all the secrecy? We were dating now -wasn't he supposed to tell me his secrets, instead of keeping them from me? Who was the girl he met in the woods? Was he meeting her?No, Annabeth, you're dating him! You should trust him! Frustrated, I let out a sigh and finally decided to sleep.

I was walking on the beach- our favorite place, when I suddenly saw two people sitting on the shoreline. I turned away so that I wasn't invading their privacy. Until I heard laughter- not just any laughter but his laughter, my seaweed brain's laughter that I had come to love so much. I decided to eavesdrop on them, and I pulled out my Yankees Cap and became Nobody."-are so much better than her. I had to tolerate her for six years. The worst yeras of my life." Percy was saying to an unknown girl."So, for how long can we meet like this with you fooling that daughter of wisdom? Are you going to break up with her or just let her ignorance rule her?""Well, I think I will just wait for her to find out, and I will break up with her."They leaned in to kiss, but before they could do that, I took of my Yankees Cap, deciding I watched enough."It seems that the time has come for you to break up." I say in a deadly calm voice."Annab-""Don't you dare take my name you cheating twerp! And just so you know, we're through!"He suddenly got up and had Riptide uncapped in his hand. He raced towards me and just as his sword was about to hit me, he faded.

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