Home is where family is

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"-eus! Open the dam door or I swear to every god out there I wont hesitate on blasting it off its hinges."

"Percy! Open the door, please."

I awake to the sound I had missed so much in the past 2 years. Especially since the last two days. She was the only one who has said my name in the past 3 days. The campers are wary of me and don't want to talk to me. Hell, Nico won't even look at me. Just because all of them think I cheated on Anna-her.

Bang! bang! Bang!

Knowing Thalia, she will do as she said unless I open the door. I drag myself out of my bed and open the door to a furious looking Thalia.



"Okay girls, you can head to Cabin Eight while I go acknowledge Chiron of our presence." I say as we finally cross my Pine tree into Camp Half-Blood.I am so excited. After 2 and half years, I will finally get to meet my cousin. I wonder how he is doing. I think to myself as I walk towards the Big House.

"Hello Thalia! It seems the hunters are here?" Chiron pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Chiron, we are."

"Well then, please inform everyone that after dinner today, we will have our traditional Capture the Flag (CTF) match. Campers against Hunters."

"Sure Chiron! Oh, and have you seen Percy." I asked as I was about to leave. Chiron's expression fell and he looked very sad.

"He is in his cabin. He hasn't come out for 2 days now." I was shocked when I heard this.

"What? Why?"

"Well, something happened between him and Annabeth and he won't allow anyone to enter his cabin. Not me, nor Nico, nor Rachel." Chiron smiled sadly and I made my way towards Cabin three.

~Time Skippy~

After about ten minutes of continuous shouting and banging on the door, I hear footsteps from inside and the door swings open to reveal a very familiarly unfamiliar Son of Poseidon staring at me. His body had shrunk from the last time I saw him and he was looking thinner than Nico, which is, saying something. His face was tear streaked and puffy. But what shocked me the most were his eyes. Those playful sea green eyes were a dull murky green and had no mirthfulness whatsoever.

"What do you want Thalia? I'm not in the mood to talk." Percy asked me.

"Percy, I just came to camp and was so excited to see you, but what happened to you? Chiron only told me half the tale? And why have you self quarantined?" I ask concern leaking in my voice.He just gives me a sad smile and shakes his head.

"I really don't want to talk about it Thals, please leave me alone....Just like everyone else." He just mumbles the last part but I hear it loud and clear and I grasp his arm, preventing him from goin into his cabin again.

"Percy I am not letting go till you tell me what happened. So spill, now" I forcefully say.

"Well, I am accused of "cheating" on Annabeth when I have been going around doing some very special work. I come back to propose to Annabeth but I find her kissing someone on the beach and then I just left"I was sure that this is no the complete story, but seeing he was on the verge of tears, I decided to let him be and ask him later on.

"Seaweed Brain..." I soon realized my mistake when tremendous amount of pain flashed in his eyes."... I want to see you today at Capture the Flag okay. I am your personal health instructor from today." I get up and leave.



"Huh. So today is CTF." As I say this to myself, a plan formulates in my mind. I decide to leave camp and go home and first talk to mom and Paul about this. After that, I am out.

~Time Skip: After Dinner, Everyone's assembled in the woods~

Finally, I start packing my belongings once I am sure everyone has assembled for CTF. Since, everyone is playing CTF, I won't have to face an angry Thalia and a worried Chiron. The campers, however don't give a flying fuck. Zipping up my bag, I slowly make my way towards the door to peek out and make sure that no one is lurking around.When I am sure no one can hear or see me, I make a dash for Half-Blood Hill where besides Thalia's Pine tree, the Ivory of the Athena Parthenos glinting in the moonlight. Flashbacks of the second great prophecy came rushing back to me and a lone tear rolled down my cheeks and I ran down the hill and I didn't stop until I was far, far away from the place I thought would be my second home.Using some mortal money, I hired a cab to my mom's apartment. As I walked up the stairs, I though about what I was going to tell her. I couldn't figure it out and there I was- standing right in front of the door. My true home. Unthinkingly, I knocked on the wooden door thrice and waited.The door flung open and I came face to face with the person that made this place a home. Who made my life worth living. Standing on the doorway was my mom, Sally Jackson, grinning widely when she saw me.The smile suddenly fell of her face as she took in my disheveled form- my broken eyes and skinny body. I was enveloped in a warm hug where again I broke down. I barely registered as I was moved into the living room. I felt someone tug at my right foot and I looked up to see who was there as mom let me go. I saw the Jay's eyes looking at me with excitement. I moved a bit away from mom and lifted little him into my arms.

"Why sad Percy. Jay not like sad Percy. Percy smile. Pweaseeee!!!!" Jay squealed in my arms and wiped my tears away, as he gave me the cute wide-eyed puppy look.I laughed at that and hugged him hard.

"It's nothing baby bro. I missed you that's why!" I replied to him.My mom placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me the 'I want to know everything look.' But I just shook my head and mouthed 'not today', and maybe she saw the desperation in my eyes and just nodded.

"Mommy, can I please sleep in Percy's room today. Please. Pleaseee."

"Fine kiddo! Percy, I think you should go to bed. Good night sweetie!" Mom replied, giving me a sad smile.I felt Jas pulling my hand already moving towards the bedroom.

"Goodnight mom! Let's go bro." And with that I dozed off with a giggling Jay beside me.For once in the last month, I felt at peace finally.

~Time Skippy~

"Percy, get up, mom is cooking blue pancakes and if you don't get up, I will eat them all"I bolted upright in my bed, only to see a blur of raven black hair and I was hit by a small force which surprised me and I fell back onto bed with a thump, with Jay hugging me. He got up again and started laughing."Yay! I knew that would wake you up!" And Jay fell over in a fit of laughter as I noticed mom standing near the bed.

"Well, at least it's good that I actually made pancakes." And went back to the kitchen.For those five minutes of my life, I felt like a normal 18 year old teenager. A life, I could never live.After breakfast, I explained mom and Paul everything that had happened in the past three days. After giving me many promises of them to not barge to CHB and kill every demigod out there, Paul left for work taking Jay with him, to drop him off at school. Once they both left I turned back to mom."I'm sorry, mom, but I can't stay here." Before she could say anything, I continued, "No mom, please don't make this any harder for me! If I stay here, I would be risking everyone's life. I don't want anything to happen to Jay. All of you deserve a normal life."She just nodded, silent tears trickling down her face.

"But, where will you go?"

"Well, maybe camp Jupiter. Both their praetors Frank and Hazel knew I was going to propose to her. I am sure the Romans will still accept me."After some packing, just as I was about to leave, I heard a knock on the door. 

I went and opened the door only to see someone I least expected to see at this time of the day.


Finalyy, enough time. Expect more updates soon.

Pls read, vote and comment.

Also a very funny thing happened. I am not able to see the Fatal Flaw chapter on my phone, while you guys are reading and voting it LOLOL!!

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