Fooling Around

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This Chapter reveals the bond between Luke, Jason and Percy. It only adds effect to the story and can be skip, although I would if you read it!!

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When Percy came back, I expected him to be all bubbly and happy. Heck, I even expected him to jump onto Jason and kiss him! What I didn't expect was a fuming Percy to throw me into the Sound when I asked him how'd it go.

"Oh, hey Percy! How'd it go with your fam?"

The next thing I know, I am soaring across the sky as a comet and SPLAT!

A stinging sensation hit me as I landed flat on the surface of water.

He literally lifted me by the collar of my shirt and threw me across the forest into the Sound. Thanks to my heightened abilities and Chaos that I took almost no damage.

As I ran through the water towards the beach, I saw a figure possibly waiting for me. As I stepped out of the water, I realized it was him. I walk up to him slap him in the face.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe because someone threw me into the ocean, where I could have been killed by impact or various other fantastic methods!"

"Okay, I get it. I'm sorry. I had just pent up anger about the situation and you asked about it, which sort of pissed me off."

Okay, I get it bro, but I'm not gonna let you go so easy! I think to myself and turn the other side and start walking to camp.

"Luke, please wait. I said sorry. I'll make it up to you, promise!" He says as he runs and catches up to me.

I still keep ignoring him and forge ahead. I find Jason waiting for us near the cabin we setup. Seeing his face, I realize Percy had said something to Jason that had hit home and he also was annoyed at Percy.

"Shit! Not you too." Percy mumbles once he sees him.

I smirk and form a mind link with Jason.

'Hey, wanna prank him?' I ask him.

'Bro, you stole my words. Plus, you sound like you have a plan in that mind of yours.'

'I will make him regret he threw me. *insert evil maniacal laughter*' and I end the link.

"Oh, hey Jase, has Perce come back yet?" I ask him innocently.

"Nope! Haven't seen him yet."

"I am standing right here you guys!" Percy says, annoyed.

"Umm, Jason. Can you hear something? Well I can't." I again tell Jason.

"Hmm, not even I can't."

Percy shoves me and I land on my butt.

"Oi, Jase. Stop using that stupid wind to trip me!" I fake shout at Jason. Jason seems to be deep in thought.

At this, Percy perks up and looks at Jason.

"Hello? Earth to Jason Grace. Come in Captain Thunderpants. Come in. This is your favorite demigod calling."

"Noooooo, It wasn't me. Maybe Percy's back and fooling around with us!"

"No, he's not that powerful. Maybe that's why Chiron kicked him out!" I say without thinking.

Jason's eyes widen at this and he turns to Percy. It takes a moment for me to realize what I said and instantly, I turn to Percy, about to apologize, but he is nowhere to be seen.

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