Game of Power

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*Sorry for the crappy chapter. I don't know why I even wrote this. This chapter brings back a glimpse of the old selfless Percy, so here you go*



As we moved away from the Big House, towards an unknown location, my mind was racing a thousand miles per hour. The events of my banishment were constantly playing in my head.

"Percy, calm down. Nothings gonna happen. The past is over. We're here to save Chaos remember? Think about good times Percy. Think about the times you threw me across the island into the Sound. Think about when Jason dropped ice cream on a person while flying and the person screamed at him, thinking he is a crow."

Slowly, the memories stopped replaying, and I regained my composure.

"Thanks, Luke! You handled the situation well."

"Percy, I must ask: What happened when Will placed his hand on your shoulder?"

"I am not sure Luke, but I think that Will got a glimpse of my mind when I got one of his. I don't know what's going on, and I am terrified. First, it's Rachel with that evil voice and now this. Someone is messing up with my mind."

"Relax Perce, it'll be fine."

"Yeah, I think you should go back to the council. See how Jason is doing." He turns to leave and I stop him again.

"And Luke? Tell Will to meet me at the Lake, alone, once the war council has dismissed."

"Okay, don't pee in the Lake!" I smiled at him as he dashed off.

I walked slowly towards the Lake, clearing my mind, and thinking about talking to Will. He had done nothing against me, like father like son. I might reveal myself to him. It will at least get him to trust me.

As I approached the Lake, I instantly knew something was wrong. The water in the lake wasn't calm as I last knew it. I slowed down even more and pulled Sumarbrander out. As I was nearing the Lake, the energy was growing. It was radiating from the very center of the Lake, flowing outwards to the edge. I could see no one around or even feel any powerful being. As I looked under the water of the Lake, the Naiads were huddled in one corner of the Lake, clearly infatuated with the excessive energy. One of them glanced up and instantly I could hear several voices in my mind.

"Lord, please help us!"

"We are fading."

"Help us please."

"Who is causing this?" I ask cautiously.

"Lord P-Poseidon. He never allows anyone near the Lake. He is very angry now. We can feel his power killing us. Help us, please."

Without any further consideration of my well being, I waded into the water and swam towards the epicenter of the power. I sunk to the very bottom of the Lake. The energy was unbearable now. I could feel it trying to combust my brain. I refused to let Poseidon do so.

As I started concentrating, the energy opposed me, making whirlpools in the Lake, but I refused to give up. I fought back for the poor Naiads that were facing the wrath of Poseidon without a cause.

I focused all my energy on subduing the power surge. I let the powers of the ocean fill me. I called upon the calmness of the waves that give safe passage to the sailors. I called upon the sturdiness of the earth that I stood on. I forced all the excess energy filling up the Lake to subside to the depths of the earth. But I was losing power. I couldn't force back the energy and it was slowly, but surely exhausting me, yet I refused to give up. I concentrated every ounce of power and pushed it out of me. I never realized that the Lake had started glowing with a strong blue aura. The naiads floated towards me and formed a circle around me, their eyes closed. Once again, I heard their voices in my head.

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