Who is Percy?

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*So guys I just changed the cover of the book! The old one was boring and I thought why not spice up the book!*



I stepped forward and knelt beside Lord Zeus, and we flashed away to his temple. When we arrived, I realized we were still on Olympus, because duh, I had designed it.

"Lord Zeus, are you sure no one will be able to hear us?"

"Are you questioning my intelligence demigod?" Zeus fired back in an accusatory tone.

"Not at all, Lord Zeus."

"Then speak what you wanted to, and don't worry, no one will dare interrupt or eavesdrop in my temple."

"I wanted to speak to you about the Chaos team. As I already mentioned in the Throne Room, one of them is Jason Grace, as in your son. When they arrived at the camp and addressed us, Hazel Levesque, the Praetor felt a special kind of a mist that was concealing them. Being chosen by Hecate, she tried to control the mist but failed to do so. During their stay at the camp, I noticed that they knew every inch of the camp because they had no problem navigating through the camp. I figured that this could mean only two things: Either they are demigods from camp who died in the Giant War, or they have been us. Surprisingly, their leader, who calls himself Percy, knew that Blackjack was missing from camp and that he was Perseus' Pegasus. I decided to bring this to your notice, but unnervingly, Percy trudged along with us for this meeting, and so I called this private conference call of a sudden. I am sure that we would be able to find something about this is Athena's library, and I think our best tactician must be with us for the war."

"Very well Annabeth, we shall reinstate Athena as soon as possible so that you can access information. Ready to head back?"

I knelt once again, closing my eyes, and the feeling of being flashed caught me again.

When I opened my eyes, I say that Hazel was lying by the Hearth with Apollo tending to her. I eyed Percy who was wearing a smug grin and I had an intuition that he had something to do with this.

"Apollo, head back to your throne and tell me what happened while we were gone."

Apollo quickly scurried to his throne and began.

"Hazel here, suddenly called our attention, but before she could address us again, she fainted. I think it's a matter of using excessive power. She will be fine now."

"Very well, I have decided that it would be best to reinstate Athena. We shall hold a formal vote for this process. All in favor raise your hands." Zeus boomed.

Twelve hands went up. Every Olympian agreed, though hesitantly. Poseidon was the only one who disagreed with the idea of relieving Athena of her punishment.

"Very well. We shall begin the incantation at once. Hermes, please summon the Fates. They need to be a part of this incantation."

Hermes nodded and vanished in a green flash.

Soon, Hermes appeared and the three Fates appeared beside Zeus throne.

"Lady Fates, it is in our best interests to reinstate Athena for this war. She shall continue her punishment once this mysterious enemy has been dealt with. Please initiate the incantation."

The three Fates summoned their glowing blue yarn and began to knit something while chanting in ancient Greek. The yarn took the shape of an owl and the Fate in the center: Lachesis stepped forward and dropped the owl into the Hearth and motioned for the Olympians to began their chant, and we averted our eyes.

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