Last War Council

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*At Camp Half-Blood, before Percy left for his solo quest*



"You seriously want to do this Perce?" I asked as Luke and I were seated on Percy's bed watching him pack all the necessary stuff into a small magical backpack that could expand upon the users wish. "I mean one of us could accompany you. I am sure one person will be enough to handle the camps' preparation for war.

"Jace, try as much as you want, you can never convince me to let any of you come along. As much as I appreciate the help, you can't go against a prophecy. Ella clearly said 'The son of the Sea walks alone'."

"An incomplete prophecy Perce, I still think you shouldn't go on the quest alone. Especially when you are trying to get through the Mare Nostrum." Luke chimes in.

"I can't Luke," Percy finally turns to us. "Even though the prophecy is incomplete, the first line very clearly states that I have to go alone. And during my time here at camp, all the prophecy I have been through states the number of demigods very precisely in the very first line."

A child of the three eldest gods.

Five shall go west.

Wisdom's daughter walks alone.

Seven Half-Bloods shall answer the call.

"You know, you've become too smart now for us to call you a Seaweed Brain." I finally give in. Percy was correct. There is no going against prophecies and if the Fates wanted Percy to go alone, nothing can stop them.

Percy just gives me a smirk.

"I'm done packing. I think we should call a war council before I leave to finalize the plans for our defense and also prepare our offense." Percy said as he summoned Sumarbrander and then flicked it back. He tended to do that when he was confused, hoping Chaos would somehow aid him.

We haven't heard from Chaos or any of the gods since Oceanus managed to sneak in as Percy. Maybe the Gods have been preparing themselves for war. Just like the previous 2 wars.

"Let's go," I say as I look up.

In under 20 minutes, Percy managed to call an emergency war council, saying he has some plans to improve the camp's overall defenses and also some strategies that could help in case of an attack.

"Guys, I will be leaving on a quest to free Jay. I have called this meeting to discuss some war strategies and plans to improve the camp defenses."

"No shit Sherlock," Clarisse replies, earning a hard glare from Percy and some hushed laughter from all of us.

"Can we please focus? I need to leave as soon as possible," Percy continues. "Hazel, Jason told me that during the Giant war, Pasiphaë had managed to recreate the Labyrinth by breathing life into it. Is that correct?"

"I am not sure about the entire Labyrinth, but she did manage to trap Leo and me into a part of the Labyrinth that had started rebuilding under the Necromantion," Hazel replied.

"If she managed to breathe life into the Labyrinth again, it would not take the Labyrinth long to rebuild itself. Pasiphaë was an extremely powerful sorceress." Lou Ellen added.

"I feared that would be your answer. We need to check the entrance near Zeus' Fist," Percy turned towards Luke. "Luke, you will lead a team of campers into the Labyrinth to make sure Oceanus doesn't have access to that opening."

"Perce, I was only able to navigate it because I had Ariadne's string, which was destroyed when Kronos waded into war against camp."

"I know, but you still have Rachel with you. She can still guide you through the maze, if I am not wrong?" He concluded looking at Rachel.

"I am sure after the gift of Prophecy was returned, I should be able to do it." Rachel sounded a bit unsure.

"Very well. Luke, it would be best if Hazel and Lou both accompanied you since they are our best sorceress. Lou is a daughter of Hecate and Hazel was chosen by Hecate herself. I am sure they can bring down some part of the Labyrinth with their magic long enough so that Oceanus' forces can't use that entrance."

"The camp borders are already protected by the Athena Parthenos and Peleus. I suggest to move the Golden Fleece away from the war because if it gets in the hands of Oceanus, God knows what he can do.

"Nyssa, start preparing armaments for war as soon as you can. Make full use of Bunker 9. Take all the help you can get.

"Annabeth, I trust you and the Athena cabin to set up camp defenses at all required areas.

"Grover and the Council of Cloven Elders can secure the Forests surrounding the camp, along with Thalia and her hunters.

"Grover, unite as many nature spirits as you can. Use the help of the Nereids to secure the water around Long Island.

"Jason, try to talk summon Tempest and ask Lord Zeus to secure the sky above camp. I am certain Leo McShizzle Valdez and Festus will need air support," Percy addresses us, shortly winking at Leo.

"I will talk to Lord Poseidon to give a go to the forges under the Ocean. I'll get as much help we can from Tyson and Briares.

"I leave for Greece right after this meeting along with Blackjack. I don't know how the communications over there are, so don't expect any messages from me once I leave. Jason and Luke will help take care of any further decisions that you might need to take."

"We are facing 3 Titans and an unknown deity. I am sure one of them will be in Greece to keep Jay in check. The rest of them plan on destroying the Gods' identities, aka us. Without us, the Gods will not be able to meddle with the Titans.

"If that's all, I would call an end to the meeting and leave. The faster I find Jay, the faster I can come back and show Oceanus his place."

'I will not let someone harm my family again. I saved them twice, and I will keep doing it, no matter what the cost.'

Percy's voice sounded in my head and I looked up, just in time to see that flicker of determination in his eyes.

Luke engulfed Percy in a hug and whispered something in his ear that made him smile.

*Guyssss, Quick Question: Would you like to see some one-sided Jercy(JasonxPercy)???? Or any other pairing for that matter, just comment it!*

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