Revenge of the Sea

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My head was spinning, my back and neck were sore. My eyes were shut tight. My thoughts were muddled up. I was worried about Jay. I was angry at myself for slipping through. I was confused about who saved me. Beyond my eyelids, I could see the glow of what seemed like many lamps.

I slowly opened my eyes and I realized I was laying on the cold marble floor as my eyes focused onto the dome-shaped ceiling above me.

"Percy awake."

A familiar voice spoke up from somewhere near me. I tried to get up but failed miserably. It took a lot of effort and will power to just turn my head towards the right. I could see a burly figure in blue overalls, sporting a mop of silver hair. With my blurred vision, I saw a mop of brown hair approach the silver-headed guy.

"Can you heal him?"

"No, M'lady, too many injuries. Bob can help, but not full strength. Too much power restrained inside before."

"I will lend you my strength. Just heal him so that we can take him to a better doctor."

Bob. The name rang in my brain, echoing off the walls. Iapetus. What was he doing here? Was he the one who saved me? Wait... he survived Tartarus? But who was the one helping him? Her voice seemed comfortable and inviting. It gave me hope.

I tried speaking, to call out to them, but my voice wasn't working. I was starting to feel exhausted again and my eyes started to shut again.

I felt a hand on my chest and incoherently heard a small 'owie'.

Cold flooded through my body, but this cold was relaxing, refreshing.

It felt like jumping into a pool filled with ice on an Ethiopian summer afternoon. The weariness seemed to vanish and all the muscles in my body felt warm again. My blurry vision cleared and I could see again clearly. Indeed, I was seeing Bob the Titan. His blue janitor's uniform was the same since I last saw him. His nametag still read Bob, and he was still carrying the massive push broom he used as a spear.

Beside him, an eight-year-old girl stood in a simple brown dress and mousy brown hair. In her eyes, I could see the warmth of the Hearth as well as the rays of Hope.

"Bob? Lady Hestia?" I internally cringed after hearing my voice. It was rough and I sounded like a boulder was speaking. No offense to rocks of course.

"Yes young hero, it is indeed I," Hestia called out.

"Hello again Percy. Bob is back! Bob and Damasen fought Tartarus. I regenerated. I heard a friend calling and found you once more!"

Due to the lack of judgment of my state and Bob's healing skills, I tried to sit up real fast, but fell right to the other side.

"Percy easy. You are not fully healed yet. Bob was only able to repair the initial damage done to you. You still need Apollo's help for healing. Whoever captured you, had contained all of your powers. They, however, could not hold the call of hope. I was somehow able to pinpoint your location and get you back with Iapetus' help. We were late because I didn't trust him."

"Lady Hestia, we can please save the pleasantries for later. Right now, I need to get to Olympus. I know who we are facing and I must inform Zeus about it."

"Very well Percy, but if you were with Athena and Annabeth at Olympus, how were they able to capture you?"

"Sorry? I never returned to camp. I had gone to get Jay to camp and sort out some business after which they captured us."

Hestia's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh God! I need to save Jay. I need to bring him back, I promised mum. I-I can't let him go.." I trailed off, feeling all the energy leaving me again as I thought about Jay. Dread settled in my stomach and fear plucked at the strings of my heart.

"Calm down Percy, In this state, you can't even save yourself. We need to get to Olympus first because a lot of things have transpired in your absence. We need the council to take immediate action."

"Let's go," I said, without any hesitation.

Me and Hestia quickly flashed to Olympus.


At Olympus, Hazel lay near the central hearth as the God's were silently seated in the room. As Zeus spotted me, his bored gaze hardened into a knowing stare.

"Percy Jackson. Where are Annabeth and Athena? Have you gathered the information you need?" Zeus boomed at me from his throne, confusing me.

"Lord Zeus, why would I know where they are? And hadn't the council banished Athena? What is going on here?"

"Percy, if you are here, and you don't know where they went, then who is the one that went with them."

"I-I know..." All eyes turned to Hazel, who was sitting up, holding her head.

"Yes, Praetor, who was it?"

"It was the Titan Oceanus. Just before Lord Zeus returned with Annabeth, I had tried to control the mist that had shrouded Percy, to know who he was..."

I snapped at her words.

"Praetor Levesque. On the very first day at Camp Half-Blood, you were asked not to meddle with a business that was not yours. How dare you try something so outrageous. You could have been killed if it was really me."

"Percy. This is no time to have such a conversation. It can wait. What is more important is that Oceanus is alone with Annabeth and Lady Athena. We need to get there because they are accessing Athena's personal library and I have a gut feeling that Oceanus has completed his motive."

"Very well. Me, Poseidon, and Hades shall go there and investigate. Meanwhile, Apollo, tend to Hazel and Percy here. Hermes, inform both camps about our current situation. We shall be back soon." Zeus said, rising from his throne, and the four of them vanished in multicolored flashes. Hermes flashed away to inform the camps.

I sunk to the floor on my knees. I didn't give a damn about any of them right now. I was worried about Jay. He had a tremendous amount of power and no control over it. I had no idea about why they needed him. But I knew one thing: I have to save him, and I will save him, no matter the cost.

Apollo was tending to me. I could slowly feel all of my soreness fading and my energy returning. As soon as I could feel my powers back, I helped heal myself.

The Big Three appeared with an unconscious Annabeth and a fazed Athena.

"He- He took t-the book..."

She managed to say before her eyes closed.

And I was left thinking about Jay.

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