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Various thoughts had infiltrated my mind as mom and Jay lead me home. Mom walked towards my right as I gave jay a piggy back ride. In just 10 minutes, we were standing at the door of my apartment as mom unlocked the door.

When we stepped near the apartment, I felt a very strong presence around me. It was like a very hot wall stood in front of me and I passed into a denser air. I felt like walking in water when I passed the wall. I pushed that thought away and focused into talking with mom, Paul and Jay. I was so excited, I forgot about me being 'dead' to everyone here.

I noticed the lights were out inside the house and the hall was all messed up. Very unlikely of mom.

"Please sit Percy. I will get you some water."

"Thanks mum!" I say as I settle myself and Jay down on the dusty couch.

Jay sits down and the couch right next to me and faces away from me.

"Hey, what happened kiddo! Not happy to see me home?" I ask him.

He just huffs, without even sparing me a glance.

"At least look at me!" I try to lift him and turn him towards me. "Come on!" He just kicks and thwarts my attempts to lift him, throwing a fit.

"Okay then! I didn't want to do this Jay, but you have forced me to do this. Now feel my wrath!" I say jokingly.

He turns his head a little towards me and just then I start nudging him in his sides, effectively tickling him and making him giggle.

I continue doing this and he falls to the ground in a fit of laughter.

"Sto- stop Percy, pleaseeee.."

"Soooo, you are not angry with me anymore?"

"N-no, no. Stop."

"Well, I am reallyyyy enjoying this, you know."

"Please Percy stop!"

I stop tickling him and he gets off the ground and jumps into my arms just as mom returns from the kitchen with a glass of water and my favorite blue cookies. She sets it down on the table and takes her place across from me.

"Percy, I-I don't understand! They said you died while fighting monsters. What just happened?" Mom asks me.

I start explaining what happened after I left with Hermes. I told her how I was able to awaken Chaos and how I revived Jason and Luke. I told her about our mission of rescuing demigods and defending camp from the monsters.

When I am speaking to them, the surroundings grow uncomfortably warm, but I keep ignoring it because I thought I was just tensed seeing them again. I was also very angry at the gods for lying to her.

When I am done, Jay comes close to me and hugs me again.

"Percy, promise me you will never leave me again." Jay whispers into my ears while hugging me. I feel my wet shoulder and realize he was crying.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I pull away from him but he is still on my lap. "No crying in front of me. I promise I will never leave my baby bro alone." I say as I wipe the tears away from his cheeks.

"And see what you did! You ruined my favorite t-shirt!" I joke with him, while pouting. He laughs and then does something completely unexpected.

He lifts his arm and I feel my shoulder dry again, as he holds a ball of water in his tiny palms. It was my turn to be shocked now.

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